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           IN REVIEW

                                                                                 WHAT WE

                                                                                 KNOW ABOUT

                                                                                 LUNG INJURY

                                                                                 By John R. Holcomb, MD

        HISTORY                              1965, Herbert Gilbert patented an e-ciga-  causative  agent  in  the  development  of
          The term “vaping” refers to the use of  rette  prototype,  similar  to  those  in  use  “popcorn lung”, a particularly aggressive
        various devices and techniques to produce  today. A Chinese pharmaceutical company  form of bronchiolitis obliterans observed
        an inhaled vapor from a liquid (usually oil)  began manufacturing such a device in 2005,  in factory workers exposed to high concen-
        which serves as the delivery vehicle for a  and began marketing it in the United States  trations of diacetyl used as a flavoring  in
        large variety of substances, commonly nico-  in 2007.                    production of microwave popcorn.
        tine, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or other
        herbs and flavors that can be vaporized.  USE                            POTENTIAL BENEFITS
        This activity is mentioned by the Roman  Generally, currently used devices consist  There is ongoing controversy regarding
        statesman  Cicero  in  reference  to  of a battery which heats a liquid-filled car-  the use of e-cigarettes, with proponents ar-
        Herodotus, a Greek writer who used the  tridge and aerosolizes any of a large variety  guing that their use is likely to be an impor-
        technique circa 450 B.C. Egyptian hiero-  of solubilized agents, including nicotine,  tant harm-reduction technique in tobacco
        glyphics describe the use of hot rocks to va-  tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and cherry,  cessation  programs,  especially  when  the
        porize herbs as early as the fifth century  cinnamon, mint and menthol flavors. Few  vapor  includes  nicotine.  This  concept  is
        B.C.,  and  devices  such  as  shishas  and  analyses of these vapors have been under-  particularly  in  favor  in  Canada,  New
        hookahs have been in use in Afghanistan,  taken  (the  FDA  does  not  regulate  these  Zealand, and Great Britain, where hospital-
        India, and the Middle East for centuries.  agents), but propylene glycol, liquid glyc-  ized smokers are allowed to use e-cigarettes
        The modern use of vaporizing devices was  erin, acrolein, formaldehyde and diacetyl  in the hospital. A study published in the
        heralded by Joseph Robinson in 1927, who  (2,3 butanedione) have been found in com-  New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
        envisioned a “smokeless tobacco cigarette”,  mercial brands; this last agent is of particu-  in February of this year described a ran-
        but he never capitalized on his design. In  lar concern, as it has been identified as the  domized trial of 886 adults assigned to a

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