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                                                                                                  IN REVIEW

        There are also “Botanical” stores nation-  antagonist, ap-
        wide and of course internet sales sites.  Buds  peared  as  a
        and flowers or the entire marijuana or hemp  promising anti-
        plants are rendered both physically and by  obesity  drug
        distillation to purify the active chemicals and  during  clinical
        often sold as an oil or resin as the plants  trials but it also
        yield  terpenes  (natural  plant  oils)  and  was implicated
        cannabinoids. Legality remains a question in  as  a  cause  of
        some states. This is a complicated issue in  suicide. As a re-
        Texas as all compounds containing THC are  sult,  the  US
        illegal, but hemp-based CBD is sold without  Food and Drug
        prescription or prosecution, subject to DPS’  Administration
        Compassionate Use Regulations.       did  not  ap-
          The plant (or “weed” as some know it)  prove Rimona-
        has been cultivated and used by humans for  bant for use in
        recreational and medicinal for centuries and  the US. Its sale
        on  many  continents.  More  recently,  the  was  also  suspended  across  the  European  have  substantial  evidence  supporting
        study of cannabinoids has not been govern-  Union in 2008. Recently, a clinical trial related  cannabinoid efficacy. While herbal cannabis
        mentally allowed or supported and its ther-  to fatty acid amide hydroxylase (FAAH) in-  has not met rigorous FDA standards for
        apeutic value has been scientifically assessed  hibitor, was discontinued due to the occur-  medical approval, specific well-characterized
        in only a few maladies.              rence  of  serious  adverse  events  in  the  cannabinoids have met those standards.
          Research on the endocannabinoid system  participating subjects. (ref 1-3)  In Texas, where medical cannabis is legal
        and substances that affect these biochemical  Research is being carried out to explore  for only certain diagnoses, physicians must
        reactions and receptors reveal a system with  and establish the therapeutic targets for both  consider important patient selection criteria
        possibly great potential to influence body  cannabinoid receptor agonists and antago-  such as failure of standard medical treat-
        systems. Presently, it is known that endo-  nists despite some negative effects in clinical  ment  for  a  debilitating  medical  disorder.
        cannabinoids have a role in the pathophysi-  trials  related  to  drugs  acting  on  endo-  Medical cannabis patients must be informed
        ology of many disorders.  Conditions such  cannabinoid system. One challenge is to de-  about potential adverse effects, such as acute
        as emesis, pain, inflammation, multiple scle-  velop drugs that target only cannabinoid  impairment of memory, coordination and
        rosis, anorexia, epilepsy, glaucoma, schizo-  receptors in a specific tissue, and another is  judgment, and possible chronic effects, such
        phrenia,  cardiovascular  disorders,  cancer,  to  invent  drugs  that  act  selectively  on  as cannabis use disorder, cognitive impair-
        obesity,  metabolic  syndrome  related  dis-  cannabinoid receptors located outside the  ment, and chronic bronchitis. In addition,
        eases, PTSD, Parkinson's disease, Hunting-  blood brain barrier. In addition, develop-  social  dysfunction  may  result  at  work  or
        ton's  disease,  Alzheimer's  disease  and  ment  of  the  suitable  dosage  forms  with  school and there is increased possibility of
        Tourette's syndrome might be treatable by  maximum efficacy and minimum adverse ef-  motor vehicle accidents. Novel ways to use
        drugs modulating the endocannabinoid sys-  fects is also warranted. (ref 4)    the endocannabinoid system are being ex-
        tem. Presently, cannabinoid receptor ago-  Cannabis sativa is used to alter conscious-  plored to maximize benefits of cannabinoid
        nists like nabilone and dronabinol are used  ness. It contains over 500 distinct chemical  therapy and lessen possible harmful effects.
        for reducing chemotherapy-induced vomit-  compounds, but the one of primary interest  Marijuana has been used widely as an ap-
        ing. Sativex (cannabidiol and THC combi-  related to substance abuse is δ-9-tetrahydro-  petite stimulant and antiemetic. Pure THC
        nation) has been approved for use in the  cannabinol  (THC).    In  some  people,  it  is the major active ingredient in marijuana,
        UK, Spain and New Zealand to treat spas-  causes hallucinations which may be debili-  is the most psychoactive and is available by
        ticity due to multiple sclerosis (in the US it  tating.  While some more randomized clini-  prescription as dronabinol. In doses of 5–
        is under investigation for cancer pain).    cal  trials  are  needed  for  some  medical  15 mg/m2, oral dronabinol is effective in
          Another drug, Epidiolex (cannabidiol), is  conditions,  other  medical  disorders  like  treating nausea associated with chemother-
        also under investigation in the US for child-  chronic cancer and neuropathic pain as wells  apy, but it is associated with central nervous
        hood seizures. Rimonabant, CB1 receptor  as certain symptoms of multiple sclerosis,  system side effects in most patients. Strains
                                                                                                    continued on page 28
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