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                                                                                                  IN REVIEW

        smoking cessation program which included  fatigue. Vital signs demonstrated tachycar-  single  agent  was  used  (80%),  but  many
        nicotine replacement by means of nicotine-  dia, tachypnea, and hypoxemia.  Median du-  cases involved the use of 2 or more agents,
        based e-cigarettes, versus other means of  ration of symptoms prior to admission was  such as nicotine and THC together. Since
        nicotine  replacement.  The  1-year  absti-  6 days. Laboratory findings included leuko-  the makeup of many of the commercial liq-
        nence rate was validated biochemically at  cytosis, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation  uids is unknown, there may be products in
        the last visit; 18% of the e-cigarette group  rate, and normal procalcitonin levels. All  the carrier liquids that need further study.
        were abstinent, versus 9.9% of those using  have had bilateral infiltrates, either on chest  Declared components in nicotine-based va-
        other nicotine products. Public Health Eng-  radiographs or CT scans. Glucocorticoid  ping agents include propylene glycol and
        land, an executive agency of Public Health  therapy was administered in 92% of the  glycerin as well as nicotine. When commer-
        and Social Care of the United Kingdom has  cases; 65% were thought to have improved  cial vaping products have been analyzed,
        posted in the British Medical Journal that  with glucocorticoid therapy. Lung biopsies  contaminants identified have included ni-
        “e-cigarettes are 95% safer than smoking”.  were available in 17 cases; findings included  trosamines, toxic metals, and aromatic hy-
                                             acute fibrinous pneumonitis, diffuse alveo-  drocarbons. The flavoring compounds 2,3
        E-CIGARETTE/VAPING -                 lar  damage,  and  organizing  pneumonia,  pentanedione and diacetyl are of particular
        ASSOCIATED LUNG INJURY               usually   with   bronchiolitis.   Foamy  interest (as noted above, diacetyl has been
        (EVALI)                              macrophages and pneumocyte vacuoliza-  identified as the cause of “popcorn lung”,
          In mid-summer of 2019, the Illinois and  tion were present in all. None of the biop-  in which the pathologic findings of bron-
        Wisconsin health authorities initiated a co-  sies  demonstrated  findings  of  lipoid  chiolitis  obliterens  have  been  similar  to
        ordinated  investigation  into  an  apparent  pneumonia,  which  previously  had  been  those  in  the  few  available  biopsies  in
        cluster of cases of severe lung injury in  raised as a possibility.      EVALI patients).
        young healthy persons who reported recent
        e-cigarette  use,  and  who  presented  with  CDC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR    CURRENT CDC
        dyspnea, cough, pulmonary infiltrates, and  CASE IDENTIFICATION          RECOMMENDATIONS:
        for which there was no evidence of infec-  Confirmed case:               1. As products containing THC, especially
        tion or other cause for the findings. In col-  1. Use  of  vaping  within  90  days  before  when obtained off the street or from
        laboration   with   the   CDC,   these  symptoms.                           family and friends, are linked to a major-
        observations were published in the Septem-  2. Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates.  ity of reported EVALI cases; persons
        ber  6,  2019  issue  of  NEJM,  which  de-  3. Absence of pulmonary infection (nega-  should not use e-cigarettes obtained in
        scribed 53 cases: median age was 19, 83%  tive viral panel, urine antigen for S. pneu-  that manner.
        were male, and all presented with bilateral  monia and Legionella, negative PCR for  2. Persons should not add any substances
        pulmonary  infiltrates,  respiratory  com-  influenza, and negative sputum culture  to a commercially-purchased e-cigarette.
        plaints, and constitutional symptoms. Of  or broncholalveolar lavage if done).  3. Although only a small percentage of pa-
        these, 94% were hospitalized, 32% required  4. No underlying condition which is plau-  tients with EVALI reported use of only
        intubation, and one died. A total of 84%  sible as an etiology (cardiac, rheumato-  nicotine in their vaping, CDC recom-
        reported recent use of THC via vaping.  logic, neoplastic).                 mends not using nicotine-containing e-
        CDC has since been receiving new reports  Probable case:                    cigarettes.
        from 49 states and the District of Colum-  1. Use  of  vaping  within  90  days  before  4. CDC recommends that youths, young
        bia, totaling 1604 cases as of October 22,  symptoms.                       adults and pregnant women not vape.
        2019 with 34 deaths, some of whom had  2. Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates.
        used THC products exclusively.       3. Clinical team finds no plausible alterna-  John R. Holcomb, MD is board certified in Pul-
                                               tive diagnosis.                   monary Diseases, Internal Medicine and Critical
        CLINICAL FEATURES                                                        Care Medicine and is a past President and member
          Symptoms at presentation have included  POTENTIAL CAUSATIVE AGENTS     of  the Bexar County Medical Society.
        dyspnea,  chest  pain,  cough,  nausea  and  THC  is  the  most  common  exposure
        vomiting, hemoptysis, subjective fever, and  identified in the available reports when a

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