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           IN REVIEW


                           A Modern Doctor’s


                                                    By J.J. Seidenfeld, MD

          In 2019, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed  antiepileptic drugs” before seeking treatment  of the patient’s particular medical condition.
        into law a bill that lets Texas farmers grow  with low-THC cannabis.     DPS also can decide if the physician’s clini-
        hemp – and allows the sale of products such  Because HB 3703 expanded the conditions  cal practice is dedicated to evaluating and
        as CBD oil as long as they contain less than  qualifying  for  treatment  with  low-THC  treating a “significant portion” of patients
        .3% of the psychoactive element in mari-  cannabis, it also, consequently, expanded the  with the particular condition being treated.
        juana THC. HB 3703 made the following  specialty physicians qualified to recommend
        major changes to the 2015 Compassionate  treatment. To recommend treatment, a physi-  The Dilema
        Use Act to include additional conditions:  cian must register with DPS’ Compassionate  While the jury is out on these issues for
          HB  3703  amended  the  Compassionate  Use Program, and the physician must:  medical professionals, law makers and en-
        Use Act by adding conditions that may qual-  • Be licensed,              forcement officials, the public already has
        ify for treatment with low-THC cannabis.  • Be board certified by a specialty board ap-  experience with these substances in large
        Now, the following conditions may qualify  proved by the American Board of Med-  numbers, using it to reduce suffering and
        for treatment: epilepsy, seizure disorder, mul-  ical  Specialties  or  the  Bureau  of  make the world a seemingly friendlier place,
        tiple sclerosis, spasticity, amyotrophic lateral  Osteopathic Specialties in a medical spe-  while there is suffering from abuse in some
        sclerosis, autism, terminal cancer and “incur-  cialty relevant to the treatment of the pa-  cases. Cannabis sativa, popularly known as
        able  neurodegenerative  diseases”  (INDs).  tient’s particular medical condition, and  marijuana, is a source of cannabinoids most
        INDs are diseases designated by rule of the  • Dedicate a significant portion of his or  notably  CBD  (cannabidiol)  and  THC
        executive commissioner of the Texas Health  her practice to the evaluation and treat-  (tetrahydrocannabinol).  CBD  containing
        and Human Services Commission. Also note  ment of the patient’s particular condition.  products for ingestion such as gummy bears
        that HB 3703 changed “intractable epilepsy”                              or brownies, vaporized liquids, raw plant
        to just epilepsy. Now, patients should no  Notably, DPS still has discretion to ap-  material for smoking and skin lotions as well
        longer  have  to  wait  until  they  have  been  prove or deny the application. That means  as body products are available at state-sanc-
        treated unsuccessfully two or more times by  DPS can decide if the physician’s board-cer-  tioned (NOT in Texas) and licensed dispen-
        “appropriately chosen and maximally titrated  tified specialty is relevant to the treatment  saries where laws have legalized such use.

         26  San Antonio Medicine   •  December  2019
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