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                                                                     IN THE


                                                                     1. Standing (l-r):  State Senator Jose Menendez (District 26) vis-
                                                                       its with Varda and Adam Ratner, MD, during a reception
                                                                       honoring Sen. Menendez at Club Giraud on Oct. 10 hosted
                                                                       by Gordon Hartman and Harvey Najim.

                                                                     2. Standing (l-r):  Martha Vijjeswarapu, TMA Alliance presi-
                                                                       dent-elect; John Nava, MD; Rep. Philip Cortez (House Dis-
                                                                       trict  117);  and  Janet  Realini,  MD  met  Oct.  17  at  Rep.
                                                                       Cortez’ district office in San Antonio and presented him
                                                                       with a plaque on behalf of the Texas Medical Association
                                                                       for his support of medicine’s issues during the 86th Leg-
                                                                       islative Session.

                                                                     3. BCMS physician members, Alliance member, medical stu-
                                                                       dent and staff met with Congressman Chip Roy (TX-21) on
                                                                       Oct. 8 in the Congressman's San Antonio district office to
                                                                       discuss the latest happenings in Congress on medicine issues.
                                                                       Standing (l-r) are:  John Shepherd, MD; BCMS Alliance
                                                                       member Jenny Shepherd; Congressman Roy; Mary Nava,
                                                                       BCMS chief government affairs officer; Dan Deane, MD
                                                                       and Marc Ghosn, medical student at the UIW School of

                                                                     4. Alex Kenton, MD (left), pauses for a photo with State Sen-
                                                                       ator Jose Menendez (District 26) on Oct. 10 during a recep-
                                                                       tion hosted by Gordon Hartman and Harvey Najim in honor
                                                                       of Sen. Menendez at Club Giraud.

                                                                     5. Standing (l-r):  Bernard Swift, Jr., MD; John Shepherd, MD;
                                                                       State Senator Donna Campbell (District 25); Jenny Shep-
                                                                       herd; David Shulman, MD and John Menchaca, MD visit
                                                                       during a reception held in honor of Sen. Campbell at Club
                                                                       Giraud on Nov. 6.

                                                                     6. Standing (l-r):  Michael Battista, MD; Rep. Trey Martinez Fis-
                                                                       cher (House District 116); Mary Nava and Jenny Shepherd
                                                                       met Nov. 19 at Rep. Martinez Fischer’s district office in San
                                                                       Antonio and presented him with a plaque on behalf of the
                                                                       Texas Medical Association for his support of medicine’s is-
                                                                       sues during the 86th Legislative Session.

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