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                                                                                                  IN REVIEW

        other  under-resourced  communities  to  Chiquita A. Collins, PhD is the Chief  Di-  216. Accessed November 1, 2019.
        practice in underserved areas; implement  versity Officer, Vice Dean for Inclusion and Di-  4.  The  North  Texas  Regional  Extension
        pipeline programs within the primary and  versity  Associate  Professor,  Department  of  Center. 2015. The Physician Workforce
        secondary educational system that ener-  Population and Health Sciences at the UTHSA  in Texas: An Examination of Physician
        gize underrepresented students to pursue  Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of  Medi-  Distribution, Access, Demographics, Af-
        a career in healthcare and equip them with  cine in San Antonio Texas.     filiations, and Practice Patterns in Texas’
        the skills needed to succeed; connect prac-                                254  Counties.  Accessed  November  1,
        ticing physicians with college-students, in-  REFERENCES                   2019.
        cluding those from community colleges,  1. Association of American Medical Col-  5. Association of American Medical Col-
        to serve as mentors; provide scholarships  leges.    2019.  “New  Findings  Confirm  leges.  2018. “Women Were Majority of
        for qualified students who pursue priority  Predictions  on  Physician  Shortage.”  US Medical School Applicants in 2018.”
        health  professions  and  serve  in  under-  Press Release. Washington, DC: Associ-  Press Release. Washington, DC: Associ-
        served communities; develop and expand  ation of American Medical Colleges.  Ac-  ation of American Medical Colleges.  Ac-
        medical Spanish curricula and assess pro-  cessed November 1, 2019.        cessed November 1, 2019.
        ficiency among medical students, and; in-  2. Health Resources and Services Adminis-  6. Laurencin, C. & Murray, M. 2017. “An
        centivize  out-of-state  medical  school  tration Shortage Areas https://data.hrsa.  American Crisis: The Lack of Black Men
        graduates  with  meaningful  loan  repay-  gov/tools/shortage-area/hpsa-find. Ac-  in Medicine.”  J Racial Ethn Health Dis-
        ment programs if they commit to primary  cessed November 1, 2019.          parities. Jun; 4(3): 317–321.
        care practice in Texas for a predetermined  3. US. Census Bureau. 2018 www.census.
        time (i.e., 5 years).                  gov/quickfacts/fact/table/TX/PST045

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