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                                               By William L. Henrich, MD, MACP

          Most of us know someone who has been touched by substance  wide forum to discuss solutions to the opioid crisis. After coordi-
        use disorder, if not in our practices, in our families, friends and com-  nating two annual symposiums on our campus, Dr. Potter has
        munities.                                              moved the 2020 symposium, to be held May 1-3, to the Henry B.
          Research has shown that substance use disorders are a leading  Gonzalez Convention Center to meet growing demand.
        cause of disease and death in the United States and directly cause  When it was learned that there were only 1,500 health providers
        cancer, overdose death, psychiatric disorders and suicide. In fact,  in Texas qualified to prescribe buprenorphine, Dr. Potter obtained
        the number of deaths each year from drug-related overdoses in the  a $1 million state contract to create a streamlined training program
        US has more than tripled since 2000, with opioid overdose as the  to help doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistants obtain
        leading cause of accidental death. And for every substance-related  the necessary DEA waiver to prescribe buprenorphine, an FDA-
        death there are tens of thousands of other people struggling with  approved medication for opioid use disorder that can be prescribed
        substance use. It is one of the biggest public health challenges of  as an outpatient treatment.
        our time.                                                Beginning in fall 2018, her team took the training to communities
          The good news is that substance use disorders are treatable with  throughout the state. Just nine months later, more than 450 new
        evidence-based treatments. And we, as health care providers, have  providers have received the waiver through her successful Get-
        the opportunity to turn the tide on this issue and save lives.   WaiveredTX program.
          To do this, we must overcome three barriers. They include access  The new TxMOUD initiative builds on this success by addressing
        to high-quality, evidence-based care for patients; affordable treat-  critical needs. First, it provides training and technical assistance for
        ment; and awareness of helpful resources in a society in which sub-  health care providers who are treating or considering providing opi-
        stance use disorder is heavily stigmatized.            oid use disorder treatment in their practices. Second, the initiative
          While the first two barriers are quite formidable, the third barrier  funds treatment and medications (buprenorphine and naltrexone)
        may be the most difficult. Substance use concerns are often kept  for underserved citizens in need. Third, TxMOUD serves as a plat-
        secret until a crisis occurs. Family members, friends and others may  form for research that will benefit the residents of San Antonio,
        not know where to seek help or how to navigate our complex health  Bexar County and Texas.
        care system. People struggling with substance use and their families  We are proud to have a hand in turning the tide against opioid
        likely fear judgment. These things make early screening and identi-  use disorder and ask that you join this collaborative effort so that
        fication of substance use disorder a real problem.     TxMOUD will become not only a model for Texas, but also a blue-
          We now have an opportunity to change these barriers into op-  print for successful treatment throughout the US
        portunities, and I am seeking your help.                 If you are interested in learning more about TxMOUD, the San
          UT Health San Antonio has just received a $7.2 million annual  Antonio Substance Use Symposium, or becoming more involved
        contract from the Health and Human Services’ Texas Targeted Opi-  with opioid use disorder research through UT Health San Antonio
        oid Response to create the Texas Medication for Opioid Use Dis-  more broadly, please visit or call 210-450-5370.
        order (TxMOUD) initiative. This initiative will help address the  This is truly our opportunity, by working together, to make lives
        challenge of providing access to high-quality, lifesaving care to Tex-  better.
        ans regardless of their ability to pay.
          Jennifer Sharpe Potter, Ph.D., M.P.H., will lead this effort. She is  William L. Henrich, MD, MACP, is president of
        a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and vice dean for  UT Health San Antonio and professor of  medicine in
        research in the Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine.    the university’s Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of
        She is a national expert in opioid use disorder research and care,   Medicine. With missions of  teaching, research, healing
        and has been actively involved in local and state efforts.           and community engagement, UT Health San Antonio is
          Within the Bexar County Opioid Task Force, Dr. Potter created      one of  the country’s leading health sciences universities.
        and led the San Antonio Substance Use Symposium, a community-

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