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        Architectural Design of the
Bexar County Medical Society Building

 A tribute to the rich history of San Antonio

By Frederick “Tex” Liedtka, Chesney Morales Architects

  On the first meeting with BCMS we were given a tour of their             BCMS and the design team brought their sophisticated develop-
existing, leased offices. As I was getting familiar with the style and   ment knowledge, disciplined fiscal approach and creative solutions
personality of the organization and taking note of the room sizes        throughout the duration of the project. Or in other words, good de-
and requirements, I was struck by the fact that this medical society     cisions were collectively made by the team and we kept this project
not only provides professional support, advocacy, continuing edu-        in budget. The result is a blend of new technology with regional
cation, social and community activities to the medical community,        colonial mission style that incorporates the iconic forms of South
but they are also the archivists that record and preserve the rich his-  Texas architecture with modern energy efficiency, building systems
tory of medicine, medical technology and medical professionals in        and methods. The Interior was designed with ample bookshelves to
South Texas and San Antonio. As the vision and character of the          hold their medical library. The hallways were expanded and trans-
new building was discussed with Stephen Fitzer, the CEO of BCMS,         formed into galleries to display the history of the medical society.
it was clear that their new home was to stand out, to be welcoming
and was to reflect the history and traditions of San Antonio.              We recently received photographs of the finished building and
                                                                         were pleased and amazed on how similar they are to the initial design
  As good stewards, BCMS and their planning and design team en-          rendering. This accomplishment reflects the skill, talents and effec-
visioned this building not only as a new home but also saw it as a       tiveness of the ownership, design team and contractors’ construction
real-estate commodity to accommodate future growth, to generate          team. On behalf of myself and Javier Zamora, who was the Chesney
revenue and accrue value as a commercial property that is compet-        Morales point person with the construction team, we are grateful
itive in today’s market. We designed this as a multi-tenant building     for the opportunity to design such a unique, quality structure for
with the first floor open for leasing and with BCMS occupying the        the medical society and the residents of Bexar County.
second floor.
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