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Modern construction techniques
and classic styles result in
By Greg Crawford, RC Page Construction
The Bexar County Medical Society building’s structure is consid- ative with the tilt-up building’s exterior design and that is evident
ered tilt-wall construction. “Tilt wall” gets its name from the method with the BCMS exterior. Chesney Morales, the architect for the
the building’s walls are constructed and erected. Walls are formed project, combined a mix of old-Spanish style architecture with a
and cast in concrete on the building slab and once cured, are “tilted” modern twist. The Alamo façade and the clay tile roofing contribute
up by a crane to their final location. to the Spanish style attributes, while the aluminum canopies and
LED lighting bring out the features of a modern building.
Initially, tilt wall construction was used primarily on larger indus-
trial-type projects where uniformity and speed of construction are The interior of the building features Class “A” lobby and office
driving factors. Smaller scale commercial construction projects have space with high-end finishes including limestone, porcelain and
been trending to the tilt wall product type over the past decade, as marble flooring, stained mahogany bookcases and millwork, granite
architects and owners are seeing the advantages of tilt-up construc- elevator surrounds, LED lighting and a grand staircase which leads
tion including expedited schedules, structural integrity, durability, up to the BCMS space on the second floor. One of the “feature lo-
economic advantages, etc. cations” in the building is the BCMS board room on the 2nd floor
which utilizes a 16-foot bronze arched window to look out onto the
The “new aged” tilt wall buildings certainly do not look like the scenic Texas Hill Country.
“big box” structures of old. Architects have been getting more cre-
20 San Antonio Medicine • June 2016