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has now become your new                                                 BCMS building 2nd floor floorplan detail.
home on 1604 just West of
NW Military.                                                            our members today, the long term value of this investment will be
                                                                        incalculable to future physicians and patients of Bexar County.
  The purchase of the land,
and the creation of the team                                                            Dr. Bernard Swift was the Real Estate Committee chair
that designed, engineered, su-                                                        for BCMS.
pervised, and finally built the
building were individual proj-
ects within the overall project.
In addition to their regular du-
ties of running the day-to-day
operations of the Society, much
time was expended by your
BCMS staff to participate in all
facets of the process. When you
have the opportunity, you
should thank our CEO Steve
Fitzer and his wife Wendy,
Melody Newsom, Al Ortiz, all
of whom contributed their time
and talents to the project.

  There were many meetings,
decisions, and (only) a few ar-
guments, but through persever-
ance and a common goal the
process worked. Over the suc-
ceeding 18 months we managed
to oversee the design and con-
struction of a 20,000 square
foot two-story building, the
overall cost for which came in
within our budget (including a
few inevitable change orders).

  We were fortunate to have
been able to assemble a great
team of architects, engineers, designers, a project manager and a gen-
eral contractor who were committed to helping us identify and then
meet our needs. We also need to thank the competitive financing
package offered by BB&T Bank.

  This building has created an enduring investment not only for
current Society members, but also for the future of Medicine in San
Antonio. While there are tangible financial and physical benefits to

18 San Antonio Medicine • June 2016
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