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                                                                        Clockwise from Top Left, the home at Lexington St.; The Moore Building; Dr.
                                                                        Frank Paschal; and the Bedell Building.


                                     By J.J. Waller Jr., MD

  Following the formation of the first state medical organization,      ety and the Association together moved into more permanent quar-
known as the Texas State Medical Association in 1853, the first         ters provided free of charge by the Moore Building. This room was
county to form a local organization was Bexar County. It received       utilized for an office and meeting area until 1915. At this point new
its charter in September 1853, and was known as the Bexar Medical       accommodations were provided by the Bedell Building, with a larger
Society.                                                                area for meetings.

  For various reasons the local society was reorganized as the West       In 1918 the Society was informed that the Bedell Building could
Texas Medical Association and was chartered by the state in 1873.       no longer be provided free and a rent in the amount of $150 per
It survived, as such, until 1903 at which time the American Medical     month would be required. This initiated the movement to obtain
Association had its reorganization involving all the states. Our state  more permanent quarters. This had been discussed for a number
group became known as the Texas Medical Association. Likewise           of years, and in 1919 the home on the corner of North St. Marys
there was a rebirth of the local organization as the Bexar County       and Lexington was purchased for $20,000. (Dr. Frank Paschal do-
Medical Society.                                                        nated $10,000 toward the purchase.) The newly acquired building
                                                                        was remodeled and the Society moved in in April, 1920. Member-
  During the period of 1873 to the early 1900’s many temporary          ship in the Society at that time was 177.
meeting places were utilized by the BCMS, (see article on page 24
of January, 2016 issue of San Antonio Medicine). With the formation       Things ran smoothly until a severe flood in 1921 inundated the
in 1912 of the Bexar County Medical Library Association the Soci-       first floor and basement causing considerable damage. This was re-

24 San Antonio Medicine • June 2016
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