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                                                                                           STRATEGIES & ISSUES

                             Additionally,  the  types  of  clients  we  cation with a pathologist is typically fast and the referring physician
                            serve has evolved, which now includes  usually knows the doctors on a personal basis.
                            services  to  hospitals,  surgery  centers,  developing and maintaining positive, long term relationships with
                            physicians  and  other  laboratories  clients is key. Our billing department is local and directly under our
                            throughout Texas. Offering medical spe-  control. That means that when clients call, they are able to talk to a
                            cialization has also spurred growth, al-  “real person” in San Antonio. And since San Antonio is largely His-
                            though it’s nothing new; in the 1970s, the  panic, our customer service and billing divisions are staffed by as-
                            group recruited the first pathologist ded-  sociates fluent in English and Spanish. Employee retention is also
                            icated to pediatric pathology in San An-  important to success. Most of our employees have been with our
                            tonio.  Pathologists  in  our  practice  company for 10 years or longer, several for 30+ years.
                            currently hold specialized training in der-
                            matopathology,  hematopathology,  uro-  PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP
                            logic   pathology,   gastrointestinal  The practice group treats older and younger partners as equals.
                            pathology,  cytopathology,  pediatric  All major decisions are made by the group as a whole. This differs
                            pathology, gynecologic pathology, breast  from many practices where those with seniority hold the bulk of
                            pathology, fine needle aspiration pathol-  decision-making. This strategy has worked very well. Our team relies
                            ogy, and renal pathology. The patholo-  on experience from the older partners as well as the innovation and
                            gists staff offices at multiple hospitals and  entrepreneurship of the younger physicians. We believe this strategy
                            other locations so there are pathologists  will enable a continued upward trajectory into the future.
                            who are strategically placed in areas where
                            those specialties are most needed.   ADVOCACY
                                                                 Advocacy is important in enabling physicians to provide quality
                            INNOVATION                         patient care. Involvement in local, state and national societies is key,
                             Responding to shifting client needs as  serving in various leadership roles, to include the Texas Medical As-
                            the  healthcare  environment  changes,  is  sociation, the American Medical Association, the Texas Society of
                            vital. To be sure, we have reports that can  Pathologists, and bexar County Medical Society. Service in these or-
                            be tailored to best communicate with our  ganizations is an important way to give back to the medical profes-
                            referring physicians. PRl developed its  sion and promote and assist physicians and patients. Although many
                            own patient reporting system. Over the  physicians disdain “politics”, the fact is that the financing and prac-
        years, it has been important to listen to referring partners and as a  tice of health care is controlled by many decisionmakers who have
        result have construct billing and IT platforms to meet their needs.  little knowledge of how medicine is practiced. All physicians need
        An extensive IT department that is tasked with keeping the practice  to be there to advocate for quality health care on behalf of doctors
        abreast of new trends and maintain records and reporting systems  and patients.
        in an efficient manner.
                                                               PATIENT CENTERED
        CONVENIENCE                                              The real secret to success is the understanding that behind every
          Making our services convenient and personalized is crucial, in-  tissue, cytology specimen, blood or other sample, there is a patient.
        cluding an extensive courier system to pick up specimens from  Many are apprehensive about the changes in health care, with good
        laredo, del Rio, Eagle Pass, Fredericksburg, Kerrville, New braun-  reason, and we share in that apprehension. but, like any other med-
        fels and several other cities in central and south Texas (in addition  ical practice, it is the patient who helps get us over the mountains
        to San Antonio). direct communication with referring physicians  of paperwork, the reimbursement slights, and the general headaches
        is essential, so there are pathologists practicing locally in Kerrville,  of running a business. It’s why we became doctors in the first place.
        Fredericksburg, laredo, and New braunfels. The goal for any prac-
        tice should be reliability, accountability and consistency. So if a  David N. Henkes, MD is a pathologist in San Antonio and is a member
        physician is working with a pathologist on hospital cases, we also  and Past President of  the Bexar County Medical Society. Dr. Henkes is also
        try to pair their outpatient cases with that pathologist. Communi-  the former Chair of  the Texas Medical Association Board of  Trustees.

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