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            Enhancing Productivity

                                                     By John Spiekerman

          Gastroenterology Consultants of  San Antonio (GCSA) is a large, diverse physician practice offering all
        areas of  gastro-intestinal (GI) care.  Like most physician groups, it excels at patient care and delivers
        service that is frequently recommend to friends and family without hesitation.  The typical struggle with
        a physician practice is to gain alignment regarding the most valuable activities.

          In the practice of gastroenterology, working in an ambulatory  satisfaction are up significantly.  Physician owners are more pro-
        surgery center (ASC) and using a snare and other techniques to re-  ductive and efficient.
        move polyps to improve patient health is the most desirable part of  but why?  What was done that made this change successful?
        patient care. Most GI physicians prefer procedures in an ASC set-  How did this situation develop?  It is very well-documented that
        ting over seeing patients in clinic. The preference is logical, since  efficiency is valuable.  Efficiency is about doing the same with
        the ambulatory setting offers more medically interesting work, de-  less.  Improving labor efficiency to produce the same level of
        livers the satisfaction of seeing results in a short period of time,  output in less time translates into profitability because the com-
        and involves less paperwork. The challenge is to define, communi-  pany spends less.  The challenge is to figure out how any physi-
        cate, and manage an expectation of business performance in this  cian practice gets into a situation where valuable areas of  the
        key area of the practice.                              business operate at a loss.
          All practices, including GI, struggle with individual management  Physicians are well-educated leaders of  patient care.  They
        of schedules to maximize providers’ personal satisfaction or pro-  communicate with patients and staff constantly, but the business
        ductivity.  The consequences of a schedule that ignores business ef-  communication back to them is all too often limited to a sum-
        ficiency  causes  a  very  expensive  ripple  effect  throughout  the  mary of monthly charges and a profit and loss statement.  GCSA
        practice.  GCSA has been able to recognize the cost of inefficient  found itself operating areas of the practice at a loss because of
        scheduling and began working to better utilize resources more effi-  a lack of communication about the financial reality of a specific
        ciently.                                               service.  The lack of communication was not intentional, and the
          The communication of the costs and benefits of a change were  overall monthly financials being reviewed by physician leaders
        presented in the form of break-even analysis.  It was very easy to  looked healthy.
        get a unanimous consensus not to operate an ASC room unless op-  We had failed to look at the business operations on a daily
        erating costs could be covered.  As a result, ASC rooms would only  basis.    So  daily  schedules  were  broken  down  to  manageable
        be available to physicians who had enough cases to cover the cost  pieces.  The most basic measure is per physician, per room, per
        of operations.  The data would be tracked for all physicians at all  day; breaking the business operations down into pieces that could
        locations and reviewed weekly.                         be measured and understood by everyone.  Once the facts were
          It was no simple task to communicate to physician owners that  understood and seen by all, the solution was very clear – consol-
        they would not get the time they wanted!  The collaboration be-  idate some ASC rooms together and close others.  Consolidating
        tween leadership, spearheaded by physician owners holding each  schedules is a very normal part of managing a business, but a de-
        other  accountable,  teamed  with  clear,  simple  communication  tail that can be easily missed.  It was a very basic change that was
        about the why, and a plan to track results was crucial to the roll-  successful because of simple, actionable data implemented with
        out of the change.  The results have been subtle when looking at  physician leadership.
        the practice on a daily or weekly level.  However, the results, when
        consolidated on a monthly and quarterly basis, are impressive  John Spiekerman is Executive Director of  Gastroenterology Consultants of
        from this very simple change.  Most importantly, patient and staff  San Antonio.

         24  San Antonio Medicine   •  January 2020
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