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                                                                                           STRATEGIES & ISSUES

          “MEdICAl dIRECTORS. Simply because a physician is not
        providing direct patient care does not mean that the physician is not
        practicing medicine or obligated to adhere to the principles of med-
        ical ethics. Whenever physicians employ professional knowledge
        and values gained through medical training and practice, and in so
        doing affect individual or group patient care, they are functioning
        within the professional sphere of physicians and must uphold eth-
        ical obligations. This is true not only if the physician is making de-
        terminations  of  medical  necessity  or  coverage,  but  also  if  the
        physician is involved in developing a health plan’s general policies
        that affect patient care, e.g., utilization guidelines”.
          “MEdICAl NECESSITY. The determination of medical ne-
        cessity is the practice of medicine; it is not a benefit determination.
        Whether or not a proposed treatment is medically necessary should
        be decided in a manner consistent with generally accepted stan-
        dards of medical practice that a prudent physician would provide
        to a patient for the purposes of preventing, diagnosing or treating
        an illness, injury, disease or its symptoms. This is true even if the
        physician making the medical necessity determination is making
        those decisions on behalf of a managed care organization. That
        physician must not permit financial mechanisms to interfere with
        his/her determination as to whether a treatment is medically nec-
        essary. Although the physician may take cost considerations into
        account, the physician may not refuse to approve the medical ne-
        cessity of a treatment simply based on cost, and must approve the
        treatment if it is clearly more therapeutically effective than other
        treatment options that may be covered under the plan, even if
        those treatment options are less expensive than their more costly  ing precertification or preauthorization based on medical necessity
        counterpart”.                                          as the practice of medicine; and include any denial of precertifica-
          “UTIlIZATION  REvIEW.  The  physician  who  performs  tion or preauthorization of medical services based on a determina-
        prospective and/or concurrent utilization review is obligated to re-  tion of medical necessity as the practice of medicine”
        view the request for treatment with the same standard of care as  Pre-authorization was instituted by insurance companies saying
        would be required by the profession in the community in which the  they wanted to make sure physicians are not ordering unnecessary
        patient is being treated”.                             services and tests when the patient does not need them. However,
                                                               the practice of medicine by physicians is sacrosanct in ensuring
        Texas Medical Association has Policy 145.024           proper patient care.
        regarding the same issue.
          “Medical decision Makers licensed in Texas: The Texas Medical  Please let TMA and AMA know about your hassle stories be-
        Association will (1) support legislation that would amend the Texas  cause they want to create momentum and they want to defend
        Insurance Code to require utilization review agents to be supervised  physician and patient rights and develop a comprehensive prior-
        by physicians licensed to practice medicine in the State of Texas  authorization bill.
        and all denials of care based on medical necessity to be made by
        physicians licensed to practice medicine in the State of Texas and  Jayesh B Shah, MD is board certified in Internal Medicine and Undersea
        in the same or similar specialty as the treating physician seeking au-  and Hyperbaric medicine, is a member of  the Board of  Trustees of  the Texas
        thorization of medical care; and (2) work to amend the Medical  Medical Association, and was the 2016 President of  Bexar County Medical
        Practice Act to clearly include the supervision of persons perform-  Society.

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