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                                                                                           STRATEGIES & ISSUES

        sion. For any decisions I am part of, I always assume I should make  our decisions. be ruthless! Remember the principle of Kahneman
        the decision! However, I am often not the best person to make the  and Tversky that we easily assume our past experience is compre-
        decision. victor vroom demonstrated that if the ones who have to  hensive data when it is really only a single data point, and a biased
        implement the decision are not part of it, then they are less likely  one at that.
        to care whether it succeeds or fails. If the success or failure of the  Fifth, some decisions harm current operations in the long run
        decision impacts someone, but they had no role in the decision,  more than they benefit the team in the short term. Why do we make
        then they learn helplessness, and stop trying. No matter what the  decisions where the true opportunity costs were both knowable and
        decision is, it will fail because the wrong person made the decision.    too high? We do this because we fall in love with certain decisions
          There is a famous story about stakeholders  – A pig and a chicken  and fail to count all the true costs. We all would agree that we cannot
        decide to open a bacon and eggs breakfast diner. The chicken is in-  lose more than we would gain, yet if we love a decision, we sub-
        volved, but the pig is committed. Thus, the pig should have the most  consciously start shaving off its true costs. We need to count all
        say in any decisions involving that diner. but we often let the loudest  true costs of any decision - lights, heat, personnel, computers and
        or most passionate person have the most say. Passion is not neces-  offices in analyzing any true decision.
           sarily equivalent to truth.                           Why do we fall in love with a decision where the opportunity
                     Related  to  this,  the  third  mistake is  that  the  costs are too high? Most often, we fall in love with a given decision
                        wrong person benefits, and this harms the  because we personally benefit from it. It might not be that we ben-
                            very people the decision was supposed to  efit financially, rather it may just be that we benefit by gaining self-
                                help. In fact, we cannot get around  esteem or increased esteem in the eyes of others. We ignore such
                                  the huge bias towards self-bene-  secondary individual gain even though it is just as real as money.
                                    fit, and the person who bene-  The best way to avoid this is to ask what the costs are if we do the
                                      fits from a decision I make  opposite, and then compare those to the preferred decision. If the
                                        is usually me. No matter  opposite decision results in less true costs than the proposed direc-
                                         how hard we try to be  tion, then you have fallen in love with a bad decision.
                                          objective, we make de-  Sixth, we make a decision based on a painful or delightful past
                                           cisions that benefit us  event. The more recent a loss or a gain in a related event, the more
                                            personally, and they  it influences our decision. I can be trying to rescue a previous poor
                                            can  inadvertently  decision that I made, because I cannot accept that I made a bad de-
                                             harm  other  mem-  cision. Sunk costs must be counted as already lost. A renowned ex-
                                             bers  of  the  team.  ample of this is the European Union central bank, where the loan
                                             One  way  to  pre-  officer who made an original loan is far more likely to extend further
                                             vent  this  is  to  credit than a neutral, new, loan officer. like flipping the coin, the
                                             switch sides in the  current decision must be independent of all past related decisions,
                                            discussion   and   but this is especially hard if those decisions were our own. These
                                           argue for the reverse  mistakes can ruin a decision, and unless I am ruthless in my self-as-
                                           of the decision. This  sessment, I will not understand why.
                                          helps you to see the de-  Many of these decision-making errors are described in my book,
                                        cision  through  the  eyes  Einstein’s Boss-Ten Rules for Leading Genius. The bexar County Medical
                                       of others on the team.      Society has a physician leadership course that also discusses deci-
                                       The fourth mistake is to  sion-making process. If you are really dedicated to mastering this
                                   make a decision where a lot of  area, many local universities offer MbA’s and MHA’s. Many physi-
                                assumptions have to come true for  cian leaders are well versed in medical science but understand less
                             our decision to be correct. The more as-  well the science of how we make decisions, yet the power these
                         sumptions  we  make  for  any  decision,  the  principles can lend to leadership is significant.
                     more chance that the decision will be in error. The
              famed statistician Carlo bonferroni showed that we need to  Robert Hromas, MD, FACP, is the Dean of  the Long School of  Medicine
        divide our chance of success by the number of assumptions that  and Vice President for Medical Affairs of  UT Health San Antonio. Dr.
        must come true for success. We should apply this correction to all  Hromas is a member of  the Bexar County Medical Society.

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