Page 31 - Bexar County Medical Society Purchasing Directory
P. 31


          If you have children or grandchildren, you
        might be able to rejoin them outdoors. The lit-
        tle darling demons seem almost immune to sea-
        sonal  variation,  and  like  “mad  dogs  and
        Englishmen” or “blue lipped children at the
        beach” have been outside for months in pools,
        on  ball  fields,  and  getting  ready  for  school.
        Make sure you dust off your folding chairs, seat
        cushions, and manners as ball games, umpires’
        decisions, coaches’ behavior, and the lurking
        solar exposure may overcome you as you devi-
        ate from polite, persistent, and patient behav-
        iors to absolute moments of craziness very
        hard to explain in retrospect. You will want
        binoculars, bug spray, sun protection, a camera
        to capture fast moving objects or children, and
        comfortable field seating on these sojourns.
          School will have restarted between Mid and
        late Summer. This is important to consider if you plan to walk  For the go getters who are intent on making their fortune, business
        alone or with dog, bicycle as a verb, or in any other way foolishly  is nonstop as heaters may need attention, and old air conditioning
        enter  a  roadway.  Newly  minted  16-year-old  drivers  may  be  units may need to be replaced. This is the time of year when
        hunching over steering wheels of over powered pickup                 relatives and friends from other regions descend,
        trucks  or  SUvs  and  trying  to  impress  their                         roadside trailer parks flourish, beach com-
        friends with their raceway skills while ignor-                               munities come alive, and the chamber
        ing pedestrians. For this reason, never go                                     of  commerce  exudes  confidence
        outside without a light for darkened                                             about  the  wineries,  breweries,
        times, a reflective vest, a bag of dog                                             music festivals, fiestas, and San
        poop to throw if necessary, and the                                                 Antonio river activities. Hur-
        righteous indignation of the eld-                                                    ricanes take a break and rest
        erly  or  infirm  even  for  those                                                   up  for  the  next  names
        much younger. brevity keeps me                                                       storms to come. Flu shots
        from further expounding on the                                                        are  essential  as  no  one
        innumerable bounty of this sea-                                                      wants to miss a day of this
        son after the scorching preceding                                                    cooling off due to unneces-
        season.                                                                             sary illness. The pet walker
          The fresh apple is a resurgent as                                                revels in this season as walks
        is the pumpkin. both presage pies to                                              lengthen, the air is usually felt
        come. dreams of cinnamon, nutmeg,                                                deep  and  appreciatively  in  the
        and allspice create a nocturnal scent envi-                                    lungs, and solar avoidance is less a
        ronment. What are your favorite memories of                                 concern. Most years follow a very pleas-
        this season?                                                            ant and rewarding script, although occasion-
                                                                           ally we feel more Scottish, don woolen or other
        Fallwinterspring                                       warm clothing, and may even wear long pants. Fireplaces, gas logs,
          Once again expect a gear like transition often characterized by a  and stoves light up, and friends gather round to watch the snow fall
        house air conditioned one day and heated the next. Heating, venti-  when northern games are viewed on audio video devices of choice.
        lation, and air-conditioning companies remain the primo businesses  Weather reports from northern cities produce crowd noises of ap-
        in this area with a welcome break and vacation saved for this period.  probation and feelings of schadenfreude. After Mid-Summer no
                                                                                                       continued on page 30
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