Page 29 - Bexar County Medical Society Purchasing Directory
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        siesta. Man’s best friend is often heard snoring along with the master  the lack of rain, you will find that the habit of sprinkling precious
        during the early afternoon post prandial hours. No worries about  water over the ground is so pervasive in suburban yards, that hu-
        hobby gardening as most everything is now dead. Spiny slimy ochre  midity  levels  will  remain  intolerable,  and  you  will  suffer  from
        flourishes along with basil, but master gardeners as well as mad dogs  drenching sweats, yeast infections, and insect bites from every un-
        and Englishmen may persist and even flourish during these months.  scheduled moment outside. I strongly advise staying inside and put-
        Tomatoes leave this world near the beginning of the season in green  ting  a  large  faced  thermometer  and  hygrometer  outside  an
        garb and charred shriveled ash. Scorpions, poisonous snakes, ven-  often-viewed window to realize the miraculous importance of air
        omous spiders, cacti, and the chiggers flourish in this yearly three-  conditioning, prepare a disaster plan in the event of air conditioning
        month solar storm. The chigger, for those novitiates, is a nearly  failure, and check for meteorological records which in this day of
        microscopic bug that hops on people’s legs, crawls laboriously up  rapid climate change are plentiful and commonplace rather than ex-
        to their warm, moist, intertriginous private parts, and bites. The in-  traordinary as in the past. If the elderly or infirm live nearby and an
        sect dies due to scratching, but the secretions it deposits results in  awful stench is noted, it is wise to call the authorities for them to
        itching the equivalent on an itch scale to the habanero pepper on  investigate the source and bring in the proper assistance. Just when
        the Scoville heat scale. Unfortunately, the itch continues until a week  you think you live in a desert, the skies open and provide tons of
        has passed, you have removed the offending skin, or you have  rainwater to overwhelm streets, houses, ball fields, streams, bridges,
        passed to the next world. Forget about sleeping during this period  and reservoirs. These downpours may last minutes or days and
        unless medicated with heavy doses of                   occur without pattern. Of course, this bounty comes from and is
        corticosteroids.  less  sadistic                       lost to the Gulf of Mexico when rivers overflow their banks and
        societies  might  consider                             water seeks its level.
        this as a form of tor-                                    If for some reason you are caught outside during hours of solar
        ture  that  if  used                                      index greater than 1, be careful while driving. These tempera-
        would lead one to                                           tures cause many drivers to exercise their hand gestures, vocal
        spill the prover-                                            cords, car horns, weaponry, and automobile maneuverability
        bial  beans  for                                             resulting in confrontations, dangerous driving situations,
        every  question                                               and inappropriate rage. Every inch of road becomes con-
        asked.  Adven-                                                tested as if privately owned, and anger becomes murderous
        turous  Texans                                                with minimal provocation. What would easily be forgiven
        who  want  to                                                in Fallwinterspring, becomes a matter of intense outrage,
        foolheartedly be                                            and a personal afront leading to respect and honor vendettas.
        outdoors  during                                           Hot heads lead to bad decisions and illogical thought, and tem-
        these months seek a                                       peratures inside vehicles without AC often rise to intolerable lev-
        river, lake, reservoir, or                             els such that children should never be left unattended particularly
        man-made  water  hole  for                                            if they are driving. driving should be avoided
        relief. Advice to the wise and so-                                        during the heat of the day along with talk-
        larphobe is that between the hours of 9 a.m.                                ing, meeting, arguing, any confrontation
        and 7 p.m. stay indoors, and work on crafts such as soap or                  or  possible  confrontation,  appoint-
        candle making, reading, writing, board games, sewing,                         ments of any kind, and decisions of
        painting pictures, repairs and maintenance, cooking with-                     any import.  I often break this rule
        out heat, irritating your pertinent other or sib, and any                     during Mid-Summer but what do you
        other activity best done in slow motion. Would you let me                     expect when you are not thinking ra-
        know what your favorite is?                                                  tionally?  In fact, if hibernation is at all
          If the pet wants to go outdoors, open the door occasionally               possible during this period, nestle down
        but this is not a time for the leisurely walk. If the pet insists,       in a nice cool cavern.
        limit your walking to before 7 a.m. and after 7 p.m., and go no fur-    One of the few blessings of this season is
        ther than necessary for their bladder and alimentary relief. Months  fruit such as peaches, watermelons, papayas, mangos, and pineap-
        of days with daytime temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit are  ples. These wonders start to appear in Early Summer and may per-
        common, and months of days without rain are also the rule. despite  sist until late Summer. Make sure you take advantage of this bounty
                                                                                                       continued on page 28
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