Page 26 - Bexar County Medical Society Purchasing Directory
P. 26
ACTIVE in place until the all
clear is given by the
authorities. Helpful
SHOOTER information includes
shooter, number of
EXERCISE shooters, physical de-
scription, number and
type of weapons, and
number of potential
victims. Fight as a last
By Tim Tong, MD
resort and fight as if
your life depended on it, because it does. Recruit others who are
Society on a local, national, and international level is experiencing willing and swarm the shooter using makeshift weapons such as
an increasing number of mass shootings. The etiology and root chairs or scissors.
causes of this phenomenon are too numerous to be addressed in The “after” is knowing how to respond after law enforcement ar-
this article. While the likelihood of any one individual being caught rives. The scene is chaotic and law enforcement is not necessarily
up in such a tragic and terrifying experience is still low, all of us still clear on who the perpetrator, or perpetrators are. Keep your hands
need to practice awareness and preparedness. After all, we have all visible and empty and follow all commands and instructions. do
been warned since childhood not to stand in an open field during a not be afraid of seeking professional help to cope with the after-
thunderstorm. likewise, we are always hearing public service an- math of the events.
nouncements advising one to look around the parking lot for po- The video was followed by the full-scale inter-agency exercise.
tential danger when going to and from our vehicles. This was a live and realistic scenario of an active shooter event. The
What can I do to protect myself and those around me from be- civilian participants had the opportunity to practice the mental and
coming a victim of a mass shooting? The answer is that all of us physical skills they just learned about preparing, running, hiding,
can be an important part in limiting the damage inflicted by a mass fighting and coping with the aftermath. Understanding the chal-
shooter. To help address this, a full-scale active shooter exercise was lenges faced by our first responders and some of the tactics de-
held on the grounds of the bexar County Medical Society head- ployed in such a scenario gave us all a better appreciation of what
quarters on March 9th. This exercise was organized by the bexar they do and how to keep ourselves and others safer. The involved
County Medical Society, Alamo Area Medical Reserve Corps/Metro agencies had an opportunity to practice and hone their responses
Health and bexar County Constable Precinct 2. to such an event. There is an incredible amount of critical and real-
This was a half-day event that started with a breakfast generously time communication and coordination that has to happen in the mi-
provided by our medical society followed by introductions and ori- lieu of a highly charged environment.
entation. A video that covered the key elements of the “before, dur- While there is no “typical” active shooter scenario, being aware
ing and after” was viewed. and prepared, whether one is a civilian or in law enforcement can
The “before” is having a plan. This includes having situational help mitigate the damage caused by a mass shooter. Part of that
awareness and actively practicing it. When going into a building, preparation includes familiarizing yourself with your workplace
know where the exits are. Wherever you are, does something seem standard operating or safety plan.
amiss? If you see something, say something to an authority imme- If you are interested in holding an active shooter exercise at your
diately and be aware of one’s environment and any possible danger. practice, church or school, feel free to contact Office of the Con-
The “during” includes the three parts of RUN and escape, if pos- stable bexar County Precinct 2 or your local law enforcement
sible; HIdE, if escape is not possible; and FIGHT as a last resort. agency. The more people that are trained on how to react the better
Getting away is the top priority. do not go back to your desk or off our community will be.
locker to retrieve your phone or other belongings! Hide out of the
shooter’s view and preferably somewhere where there is a barrier Dr. Tim Tong is a pediatric intensivist at The Children's Hospital
to bullets. lock and block doors, draw shades, be quiet, and silence of San Antonio and vice-chair of the BCMS Disaster Preparedness
devices. Attempt to silently communicate with authorities and stay Committee.
26 San Antonio Medicine • April 2019