Page 30 - Bexar County Medical Society Purchasing Directory
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        continued from page 27
        and sample local offerings at farmer’s markets, roadside stands, or
        grocery stores. The handy chef will preserve these marvels as jams,
        fruit soups, sherbets, or for use in ice creams. Even more adventur-
        ous people may choose cactus fruits, agarita berries, napolitos, or
        other exotic finds to make jam or pickles. Sun tea is favored at this
        time of year although devotees of sweetened and unsweetened va-
        rieties claim their favorites, and edentulous smilers give evidence to
        their preference. To avoid squabbles most restaurants and chefs
        keep both possibilities open for most of the three summer seasons,
        and for all four seasons for natives. Served quantities often exceed
        36 ounces and 48 ounces is favored by those who drive trucks and
        spend much of their waking hours outdoors.

          The transition between Mid-Summer and late-Summer may be
        gear like in progression and delayed into October some years. Rarely
        is it a smooth reduction of temperature and humidity. late-Summer
        brings a gradual lowering of temperatures into the 90’s and even
        lower eventually, a return to the hobby garden for fall adventures, a
        chance to hang wash outdoors without getting third degree burns,
        chances of rain at times, and all the holidays such as black Friday,
        etc. that we all seem to look forward to even without the cold white
        stuff from the sky. What does this season recall to you?  This is
        truly a time of Thanksgiving akin to the deliverance of the Israelites
        from Egyptian bondage. brains begin to function again after Mid-
        Summer addling. One even starts to think of venturing outdoors
        during the daylight hours although the critters are still active until
        late in this season and the Uv index remains high.
          If you want a fall garden, you may be too late. brave souls venture
        out in late Mid-Summer with crops such as second plantings of  these later in the season. The chigger may be lurking so remember
        tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants but these tempters often will not  to use dEET, high boots, gloves, hats, and long pants and long-
        have enough daylight hours later in the season to mature and pro-  sleeved shirts. The little devils, once gone, will not be back until the
        duce in the backyard. They will need a lot of attention and water to  end of Fallwinterspring in mid-March or later. Towards the end of
        survive the planting and may not make it to the finish line with pro-  late-Summer, you may regain a sense of adventure, a welling up of
        duce even if they survive the first month of torturous heat. The  energy, and the maintenance desire resurfaces so that the chain saw,
        price of any produce gained will be many times the cost of super-  tractor, four-wheel drive, and mower get attention for the approach
        market or farmer’s market comparables. leafy crops may produce  of Fallwinterspring. One day you will walk into the morning, the
        if started in late-Summer, but they also may burn up early. What-  temperature at 6 am has dipped below 70 degrees F for the first
        ever you choose, you will develop great empathy with and respect  time in three or four months, and your legs feel rejuvenated. More
        for Texas farmers, and realize a few of the risks they take. This  often these feelings will be rewarded with a resurgence of humidity
        process should help you revere farm to table restaurants and appre-  and heat to keep smugness at bay. Eventually it will be as if you had
        ciate that farmer’s markets though pricey may cost less than back-  to carry a hundred-pound sack over your shoulders any time you
        yard production.                                       left an air-conditioned home, and suddenly the sack emptied or oth-
          late in late-summer, say late October you may be able to once  erwise mysteriously disappeared. Your body regains elasticity, en-
        again venture off road for a hike in the woods. laundry may be  ergy, adventure, and faintly remembered strength. The seasons
        hung on the line during late and Early Summer but avoid mid-day  clearly change from Mid to late-Summer sometime before Fallwin-
        Uv rays. The pet may get longer walks, and you may even enjoy  terspring.

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