Page 32 - Bexar County Medical Society Purchasing Directory
P. 32
continued from page 29
season in Texas is truly predictable and beginning and ending season spring the fruit offerings change to citrus, and the markets will sell
dates are fluid. ten-pound bags of grapefruits,
Migrating birds as well as “snow birds” are seen during this sea- oranges of all types for
son. Our feathered friends take a break from the colder northern juice and eating,
climes and have an extended beach party near the Gulf of Mexico, lemons, and limes.
and further south. College students on vacation swell the population These delights
of some beach communities, and enjoy intemperance of food, al- will also appear
cohol, drugs, and sex probably because of watching sea turtles lay- in back yards,
ing eggs and watching other animal signs of fecundity. One’s own trucks of
children and grandchildren who live idyllic lives are excluded from road side
the previous generalization. vendors, and
This is the season to walk the woods with near abandon as the m a r k e t s .
critters and most importantly the chiggers are on break. long boots, These tastes are
long pants, long sleeved shirts, and broad brimmed hats provide supplemented by
cover, the lower temperatures reduce sweating, and the lower solar a sound image filled
index reduces skin damage. Now is the time to clean up the garden, with shot gun blasts,
mow the native grasses, and feel connected to those native peoples rifle reports, and burning
who came before us and preserved the land we roam. When the brush crackling in the country side.
days are particularly cool, one only must remember days of Mid- More could be written, sounds and sights have been overlooked,
Summer to warm up the soul. Native Texans, or those who have scents will vary with environment, and explorations should be
lived here more than twenty years, native Americans indigenous to planned. I hope this simple guide adds to your enjoyment of this
this region, Mexicans, Spaniards, French Colonists, or other wonderful region and tempers your expectations if you have come
claimants to this soil often have trouble during this season making from elsewhere where seasons are four and distinct. What would
appropriate clothing choices. Those who dress warmly, or layer you like to add to this incomplete imperfect recollection? As the
clothing are unable to teach natives the benefits of these behaviors grands or little people might say this is only JJ’s opinion and he is
resulting in devastating pneumonia and flu seasons among the older than dirt so discount the views expressed.
shorts and tank top wearing populaces.
From the latter part of late Summer to the end of Fallwinter- Dr. John Seidenfeld is a member of the BCMS Publications Committee.
32 San Antonio Medicine • April 2019