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        Texas and Texans,

        You All Listen Up –

        The Weather                                            on the roster to fill time between reports on disasters and sporting
                                                               events but listened to in the rare event of inclement weather. Also
                                                               remember to start taking them seriously whenever tornadoes or hur-
        Down Here                                              ricanes threaten or strike. like the weather radio, they should be
                                                               brought out of the drawer on unusual occasions.

        is Unique

        By John Seidenfeld, MD
                                                               There are four seasons
          Please, please let me explain a little-known but very important  in Texas.
        concept. It has come to my attention that some people believe that  • Fallwinterspring         december 23 to March 22
        one set of seasons is adequate for all Americans in this great and  • Early-Summer           March 23 to June 22
        geographically vast country. While one set might be enough for a  • Mid-Summer             June 23 to September 22
        smaller nation, it is inadequate, unhelpful, and irritating to Texans  • late-Summer            September 23-december 22
        who garden, work, wear clothing or go without, or for one reason
        or another spend time outdoors. I will concentrate on weather re-  The most memorably unpleasant season in South Texas from the
        lated information, and the environment the weather creates. let me  Hill Country to the border with Mexico is Mid-Summer, unless you
        propose a more helpful set of seasons for all Texans and especially  are a scorpion. What are your memories?  Would you share them
        the unmet expectations of those who are from other regions and  with me?  This is the season which brings certain concerns to mind.
        got here as soon as they were able. Television weather reporters  First and foremost, the Uv Index, a guide to future dermatologic
        should be considered eye candy often blocking important maps and  misadventures is often 12 on a scale of 1-10 for much of one’s wak-
        radar displays. They should be ignored as irrelevant and only kept  ing hours leading to the most important adaptive behavior, the

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