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        tem while utilizing both the geographical and educational access of  vulnerable areas, lack of food pantries and desert areas of needs.
        the faith community. There are steps within the action plan but  Leaders gathered together. New food pantries have been assem-
        eventually the educational awareness and resource engagement will  bled and opened. Financial management as well as mental health
        go into congregations and neighborhoods to reach broad and deep  classes are now being offered. Faith leaders are working and talk-
        into communities. Mapping of combined data from healthcare and  ing with civic leaders. Policy makers are better informed. The
        faith institutions also help to reveal the disparities and bring further  public is being better served. The community is growing stronger.
        focus to engaged access into specific communities.     It is healthier.
          It is not a stretch to begin to see what kind of advocacy dynamic  Within faith and religious traditions, members learn about values,
        of mobilization can                                                                       moral obligations and
        occur   from   the                                                                        the ability to respond
        above when it comes                                                                       in care of self, others
        to  changing  behav-          What could and might happen if the faith                    and the world around
        iors,  laws,  policies,  community and government agencies and nonprofit                  us.  Such  teachings,
        etc. which all impact      organizations and community groups began to                    undergirded  by  the
        health   disparities.                                                                     ethic  of  reciprocity,
                               intentionally relate more to each other in addressing
        Programs   within                                                                         prime faith-based in-
        faith   institutions        our largest and shared community concerns?                    stitutions   toward
        begin to share ideas,                                                                     public  health  initia-
        outcomes and prac-       What could and might happen if more intentional                  tives and the care of
        tices. Congregations      partnerships were formed across these entities                  creation  to  create  a
        begin  to  partner  in                                                                    safer,  healthier  envi-
        the networking of a                        and geographies?                               ronment.   History
        variety of services to                                                                    points  us  to  numer-
        better  serve  the      What could and might happen if more services were                 ous  times  of  social
        needs   of   their      intentionally networked across the institutions and               justice advocacy and
        nearby communities.       agencies towards efficiency and effectiveness?                  human rights efforts
        Families and individ-                                                                     from  within  faith-
        uals  begin  to  get  a                                                                   based groups.
        better understanding         What could and might happen to the lives                       C o n s i d e r a t i o n
        through  education            of families and communities that are the                    needs to be given to
        and  the  navigation                       most vulnerable?                               the endless possibili-
        of  systems.  Once                                                                        ties of the faith com-
        these  factors  begin                                                                     munity   in   San
        to  combine,  health      What could and might happen to San Antonio?                     Antonio as one of its
        disparities  become                                                                       largest  natural  re-
        clearer and more ev-                      Who might we be?                                sources.   Public
        ident on a collective                                                                     health. Mental health.
        scale.  Faith  leaders                                                                    Children. Foster care.
        and  nonprofit  lead-                                                                     Literacy. Immigrants
        ers and healthcare leaders begin to come together for solutions, to  and refugees. Environmental sustainability. It is an endless list of
        organize in giving greater voice to policy development.  possibilities to be harnessed around people coming together and
          Early in 2018, a pilot project began in southeast San Antonio  around a shared ethic of reciprocity.
        to address the needs of  hunger and those without permanent
        shelter in their lives. Mapping occurred from the combined data  The Rev. Ann E. Helmke is the Community Faith-Based Liaison for the
        of the city, faith institutions and nonprofits. Assessments revealed  Department of  Human Services, City of  San Antonio.

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