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                             By Hetal Nayak, MD

                  he majority of women will experience pregnancy dur-  levels. It impacts your physical body, your nervous system, your en-
         T        ing their lifetime. A majority of families will go through  docrine system, and even heals on a mental and emotional level.
                                                               There are many wonderful types of physical fitness practices in the
                  the experience of childbirth. This is a unique opportu-
                  nity that we as healthcare providers should recognize.  world, but yoga is unique in that its benefits are often far-reaching
        This is the time when young adults are focusing on the health of  and integrative. For these reasons, many women find it an incredibly
        the women and practicing selflessness and are willing to bring  powerful tool during pregnancy. Here’s what yoga can do for you:
        changes in lifestyle that can be beneficial and everlasting. It is a time
                                                               ● Stimulates & trains your parasympathetic nervous system (your
        when a holistic practice such as yoga can be introduced and encour-  rest and relaxation response)
        aged by the healthcare providers if we ourselves are equipped with
                                                               ● Reduces your heart rate, slows respiration and promotes a sense
        the “science of yoga“ and “yoga as medicine.”             of peace
          Watching a class full of pregnant women with round bellies, it is
                                                               ● Builds pelvic floor strength, tone, and awareness (crucial for
        easy to see where the concept of the Earth as a mother came from.  birthing)
        Just as the Earth sustains all life, a mother-to-be provides a life-sus-
                                                               ● Creates long, lean muscles for hormonal health, strength and
        taining environment for her baby. And a prenatal yoga class can cre-  energy
        ate an environment that nurtures the nurturer.         ● Encourages flexibility and comfort in your changing body as
          Yoga is a holistic practice, meaning it works on many different  your baby grows inside you.

         24  San Antonio Medicine   •  July  2018
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