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                                                         in Arms

                                                                            By Samantha Gomez Ngamsuntikul, MD

          The South Texas Blood & Tissue Cen-  by the San Antonio Medical Foundation.  every week. A total of 136 units have been
        ter, working in conjunction with regional  “Implementing this program for civilian  collected from that group.
        medical  helicopter  providers  and  the  use will truly transform how emergency  Using  blood  from  O-positive  donors,
        Southwest  Texas  Regional  Advisory  care can be administered on medical heli-  the  most  common  type  in  the  United
        Council, has launched a new program for  copters and significantly improve survival  States, can help reduce ongoing strains on
        emergency transfusions called “Brothers  rates for trauma victims.” said Elizabeth  the O-negative inventory.
        in Arms.”                            Waltman, COO of the South Texas Blood  Kept in proper conditions, the whole
          The program, which has the potential to  & Tissue Center, which is a subsidiary of  blood  also  preserves  platelets  and  their
        dramatically  change  trauma  care  in  this  San Antonio nonprofit BioBridge Global.  functionality  beyond  the  current  5-day
        country, began earlier this year. It provides  “This  is  also  the  first  step  toward  a  shelf life – up to 35 days under proper
        specially tested whole blood for transfu-  longer-term solution for saving more lives  conditions.
        sion use in 18 medical helicopters, as re-  in mass-casualty situations, especially if we  South Texas Blood & Tissue Center’s
        search   has   shown   whole-blood   are able to expand the program in the fu-  sister blood-testing organization, QualTex
        transfusions are better than pRBC or com-  ture to include emergency care provided by  Laboratories, worked with the military to
        ponent therapy at countering blood loss,  ambulance services.”            develop the testing protocol to identify O-
        dramatically improving survival rates.  Blood donations for Brothers in Arms  positive donors with low antibody levels,
          San Antonio is one of the first cities to  come from a group of male O-positive  making it possible to use O-positive blood
        implement the system, which is based on a  blood donors who have low titer levels of  for these trauma victims.
        battlefield program developed by the U.S.  anti-A and anti-B antibodies (IgM). The  The program is targeting male O-posi-
        military  and  later  adapted  at  the  Mayo  cutoff level is a ration of less than 1:256;  tive  donors  because  men  tend  to  have
        Clinic  trauma  center.  The  75th  Ranger  approximately 15 percent of male O-posi-  lower levels of certain types of antibodies
        Regiment “O Low-Titer Whole Blood Pro-  tive donors are considered low-titer under  in their blood than women, reducing the
        gram”  was  the  recipient  of  the  Army’s  those criteria. Donors in the program are  possibility of transfusion related acute lung
        Greatest Innovation Award in 2017.   tested annually.                     injury (TRALI) among patients.
          The program was established in San An-  As of April 17, STBTC has 179 donors  STBTC  is  developing  a  committed
        tonio with support from a grant provided  enrolled in the program, with more added  pool of male O-positive donors for the

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