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                Are You or Your Patients Caring

                    for Someone with Dementia?

        Welcome Stranger:

        Alzheimer’s Caregivers Guide

        By Mr. Sherman P. Macdaniel

        A brief review by Dr. Adam Ratner

          More of us are caring for loved ones with dementia. The
        burdens on caregivers are enormous and most of us are un-
        prepared, ignorant and consequently stressed, frustrated and
        not optimally effective in dealing with our loved ones with
        dementia. According to a Stanford University study, 40 per-
        cent of family caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients die from
        stress-related disorders before the person in their care dies.
          Mr. Sherman Macdaniel, the grandson of 1917 BCMS
        president, Alfred McDaniel, MD, wrote this brief guide to
        begin to address the challenges of being an Alzheimer’s care-
        giver. He states that the purpose of the manual is to help
        Alzheimer’s caregivers reduce stress and anxiety. He does this
        by relating his personal challenges and experiences of taking
        care of his late wife and provides very practical yet compas-
        sionate and spiritual suggestions for caregivers in similar cir-
        cumstances.  He also draws on the wisdom and experiences
        of knowledgeable friends to create this brief guide.
          You and your patients can also read or download a free
        copy of the book by going to The Patient Institute website
          Physical copies of Welcome Stranger may be obtained by
        contacting the author:
          Mr. Sherman P. Macdaniel
          PO Box 429
          Fayetteville, TX 78940

          Adam V. Ratner, MD, FACR, President-elect, BCMS; Chair-
        man, The Patient Institute; Professor of  Radiology, Health Policy and
        Medical Humanities, University of  the Incarnate Word, School of  Os-
        teopathic Medicine

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