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Role of Faith-Based
Institutions in
Addressing Public Health
By Rev. Ann E. Helmke
iven that the community of faith within urban set- free to individuals and groups, located in churches but open to all
G tings is one of the largest natural resources available, without promoting denominational beliefs. Such programs are mon-
it only stands to reason the large potential that access
itored and measured for effectiveness in providing significant quan-
to this resource might provide when it comes to ad- tities of healthcare beyond the healthcare system.
dressing the health of the public. Perhaps even more significant to Faith-based institutions also provide broad and deep access into
this largess is the depth within belief systems of the ethic of reci- community. There are approximately 1400 congregations of all faith
procity – the treating of others in ways we wish to be treated our- traditions and religions spread across San Antonio’s geography.
selves. This is more commonly known as the Golden Rule and the These locations provide nearer access to at least the navigation of
common denominator found in all the world religions. healthcare system as congregations are in neighborhoods and in
It is fascinating to watch and to participate in a world where the proximity to where people live. Whereas more traditional healthcare
above connections could be obvious but it is taking research, pilot providers might be more centrally or collaboratively located in not
projects, storytelling and evidenced practices to bring all of this to so convenient locations for vulnerable families and communities.
light. Even in faith-based institutions. San Antonio is no exception. Educational access into community is also an asset when it comes
There is significant movement afoot that is providing the evidence to the faith-based community addressing public health. Consider
of greater potential in addressing public health. the variety and the capacity of resources found in congregations –
An excellent example of health programs within faith-based or- from congregants who are professional healthcare providers and
ganizations, throughout San Antonio and beyond, is the Wesley educators to easy-access classrooms and free parking.
Nurse program. It is a part of the well-known Methodist Healthcare Within the San Antonio Faith-Based Initiative there is a public
Ministries of South Texas, Inc. The program is professional and health action team focusing in on maternal health. That team is in-
holistic, provides health education and facilitation of resources, is tentionally partnering with professionals within the healthcare sys-
28 San Antonio Medicine • July 2018