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bubble, one with her baby, free of the guilt.” She spent most of 33 percent reduction in the time NAS babies spend in the NICU.
each day in the NICU until the baby was discharged. The program has been so successful that the state is working with
Yolanda has been in recovery on daily methadone for almost hospitals and treatment programs in five other Texas counties with
three years and recently delivered her fourth baby. She’s become an high rates of NAS to expand use of this model using the Mommies
active advocate for vulnerable women who are going through the Toolkit which outlines how other communities can add resources
same issues. She sits on the advisory board of The Bexar County similar to the Mommies Program. As a result, there are now 13
NAS Collaborative working to address the local prevalence of NAS. Mommies Programs throughout the state.
Women in the Mommies program, administered by the Center As medical professionals we need to do everything in our power
for Health Care Services (CHCS), are advised to enter outpatient to strengthen the bond between high risk, addicted mothers and
medication-assisted treatment (MAT) during their pregnancies. their NAS babies through compassionate care, while providing them
Many of the women experienced trauma in childhood or adulthood, with the tools and support in programs like Mommies which will
so the program provides counseling to address that trauma. Addi- allow them to recover and be able to care for their children. This
tionally, the women are required to take courses in parenting, relapse will require a culture change within the healthcare system toward a
prevention, and life skills. Clinicians in the hospital teach the women more accepting and judgment-free environment.
about prenatal care, NAS, and how to soothe a baby experiencing
withdrawal symptoms through the use of the KMC. Reference:
(1) Incidence and Costs of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Among Infants
More than 1,000 women have now been through the Mommies
with Medicaid: 2004-2014. Winkelman TNA, Villapiano N, Kozhimannil
Program, and many have been able to maintain custody of their KB, Davis MM, Patrick SW. Pediatrics. 2018 Apr;141(4).
children. The CHCS is in partnership with University Hospital and
the State continue to fund the program. Jaime Estrada, MD, is Board Chair and President of Texas Doctors for
Since the Mommies Program was implemented, there has been a Social Responsibility.
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