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                                                                        OF MEDICINE

tion (in other words, what’s in it for me). The patients’ general       on research projects with the School of Medicine, Department of Car-
health orientation and self-efficacy perceptions were also found to     diothoracic Surgery, at the University of Texas Health Science Center
have a positive influence on behavioral intention, but the influences   San Antonio. His research interests are in healthcare information sys-
were not statistically significant. In addition, patients’ information  tems, as they relate to costs and quality of care.
control perceptions, vulnerability perceptions, and self-efficacy per-
ceptions were found to be significant antecedents to their health                         Dana A. Forgione, Ph.D., CPA, CMA, CFE is the
information privacy and security concerns.                                             Janey S. Briscoe Endowed Chair in the Business of
                                                                                       Health at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is
  If you’d like to take a look at the survey, just let us know (Mo-                    also an Adjunct Professor in the School of Medicine, De-; And if                 partment of Cardiothoracic Surgery, the Department of Pediatrics, and
you are interested in having your patients participate in future        in the School of Public Health, all at the University of Texas. He pre-
EHR surveys, it’s a great way to help demonstrate meaningful use        viously held a joint appointment in the School of Pharmacy at the Uni-
of your EHR, because you’d be showing that you have actively            versity of Maryland, where he taught in the Doctor of Pharmacy
sought input from your patients about your EHR and their per-           program. His research interests are in international comparisons of
ceptions about using it. That can lead you to ways to make it           healthcare payment systems, costs and quality of care, as well as finan-
more valuable for your patients and your medical practice. And          cial management for hospitals and physician practices.
that’s really what it’s supposed to be all about, isn’t it?

  Mohammed Sajedur Rahman, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of            1 Rahman, M.S. 2015. Understanding Factors Influencing In-
Information Systems at the Emporia State University in Kansas. He       tention to Use Electronic Health Records (EHRs): An Integration
is a recent doctoral program graduate from the College of Business at   of Multiple Theoretical Perspectives. Doctoral Dissertation. College
the University of Texas at San Antonio. He has worked extensively       of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.

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