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                                                                           DEAN’S MESSAGE

go about it, including allowing pre-review of any materials, curricu-      Bexar County, and to begin building the capacity of groups working
lum, videos or activities that are used. They take care to ensure that     with high risk teens in juvenile justice, foster care, and those who are
the community partners are fully aware and have opportunities to           pregnant and already parents in the entire state. Dr. Plastino hopes
provide feedback about the program materials.                              their success can be replicated not just in the state, but all over the
                                                                           country, as evidence for proven behavior change is developed. Her
  Dr. Plastino circles back to access to preventive health care as a cru-  group is seeing decreased sexual activity and increased contraception
cial component of prevention programs. As a mother of four, she’s          adoption – and a change in the community systems that adopt them.
keenly aware of the healthcare needs of our youth, and the deficiencies.   The goal is to sustain programs by training local facilitators to deliver
She reminds us that sexual health is simply a part of a teen’s overall     them so that by 2020 the infrastructure and programs will be in place
health. If we are not engaged in overall adolescent health and wellness,   to continue the positive work they have started.
we will not pick up on adolescent sexual health needs.
                                                                             We congratulate Dr. Plastino and the program partners for their
  We have learned that, for the most part, if teenagers are not in-        efforts and success, as well as recognize Dr. Robert S. Schenken,
jured, in need of vaccinations, or due for a physical examination          Professor and Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gy-
because of participation in sports, they do not go to the doctor dur-      necology for his strong support of all aspects of Dr. Plastino’s work..
ing the middle and high school years. Healthcare professionals need
to utilize these unique visit types to ask teens about their sexual          Learn more about the program at their website: http://www.UT-
health and provide anticipatory guidance and education. It is as im-
portant as asking if they wear their seatbelt or if they are safe at
home. Even more remote is the concept of an adolescent having a                              Francisco González-Scarano, MD, is dean of the
“medical home” where they can receive a wide range of screening                           School of Medicine, vice president for medical affairs,
and preventive care. Although more common now in adult health                             professor of neurology, and the John P. Howe III, MD,
care, a medical home for teens is still a new concept.                                    Distinguished Chair in Health Policy at the University
                                                                                          of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. His email
  The new grants build on current momentum and provide funding             address is
to expand UT Teen Health programs to nearly 18,000 teens across

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