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Leaders of the delegation from the BCMS sis-
ter city medical association from Kumamoto,
Japan visit with former BCMS presidents (pic-
tured in their white coats) – Drs. Manuel
Quinones, Don Gordon and Robert San Martin,
chair of the BCMS International Committee.
BCMS International Relations Committee
The Bexar County Medical Society has three international sis- and others flew to Kumamoto to sign the agreement. While there,
ter-city relationships. Under the leadership of the physician vol- Dr. Gray presented a lecture on U.S. medicine and spoke of the
unteers on the International Relations Committee, BCMS history of BCMS.
currently has sister medical society relationships with Kumamoto,
Japan; Chennai, India; and Monterrey, Mexico. The Chennai sister city relationship was established in 2008,
when a delegation of physicians from Chennai came to San An-
The International Relations Committee works with the City of tonio to formalize a cooperative agreement.
San Antonio to encourage international relations, potential affilia-
tions, liaisons, and cooperative agreements with other medical so- The Monterrey sister medical society relationship was estab-
cieties throughout the world. This results in educational lished in 2014 when Dr. Roberto San Martin traveled to Mon-
opportunities and cultural exposure for physicians as they under- terrey to sign the Declaration of Cooperation with Colegio de
stand better how medicine is practiced elsewhere around the globe. Médicos Cirujanos del Estado de Nuevo León A.C.
The Kumamoto sister medical society relationship began in Participation on the International Relations Committee as well
1992; BCMS became a sister society of the Kumamoto City as travel to visit these international destinations is open to all
Medical Association and, in October, Dr. and Mrs. Neal Gray members, and families are invited to travel with physicians on
these international trips.
Medical Legal dations to their respective societies in order to educate and as-
sist healthcare and legal professionals.
The Medical Legal Liaison Committee is a joint committee
of the San Antonio Bar Association and the Bexar County The purpose of the Committee is to promote mutual respect,
Medical Society. Comprised of attorneys and physicians, the understanding and cooperation between the medical and legal
Committee focuses on issues common to law and medicine and professions. It develops an inter-professional code of ethics; rec-
further deal with potential or real conflicts between members onciles differences between the professions when they arise; and
of the two organizations comprising the Committee. Commit- promotes cooperation between the professions through discus-
tee members are physicians and attorneys who have an interest sions, conversations, debate, and written proposals
in medical legal affairs. The education, training, and experience
of its members enable the Committee to promote cooperation Physician members are welcome to join the committee based
between the component societies and provides advice and as- upon interest in medical legal situations and information. This
sistance on common issues that may affect their members. Committee meets at various local restaurants (Dutch treat) on
Through its resources, the Committee may make recommen- the fourth Thursday, quarterly, beginning in January.
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