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TMA Membership Gives                                          As an 18-year member of the Texas Medical Asso-
You and Your Colleagues                                     ciation and Bexar County Medical Society, I’ve
a United Voice                                              learned physician involvement in organized medicine
                                                            is essential to our success—and the future of medicine.
By Michael Battista, MD
                                                              By working together, we can provide a unified voice
    “Join the ranks of organized medicine, choose how en-   for our patients and advocate on behalf of our physi-
 gaged you want to be and how much time you can com-        cian colleagues. When I speak with legislators, they al-
 mit. You don’t have to be on every council and committee,  ways ask what TMA thinks about an issue. This is why
 but you have to start with membership.”                    a united voice is so important. Effective advocacy
                                                            starts with organized medicine.
    – Michael Battista, MD
                                                              When I join an organization, I try to be very active.
   TMA MEMBERSHIP                                           I’m a member of the TMA Council on Socioeconom-
                                                            ics, and the TMA Foundation Leadership Society. I
       Want to learn more about the                         also serve as a consultant to TMA’s Committee on
     benefits of TMA membership?                            Maternal and Perinatal Health. I’m district chair of
     Clemente Sanchez, TMA’s mem-                           TEXPAC, TMA’s political action committee, a dele-
     bership development manager,                           gate to the Bexar County Delegation to TMA, and a
     can help. Clemente, based in                           member of the BCMS Legislative Committee. I make
     San Antonio, is available to visit                     the time to honor these commitments, but I under-
     your practice or answer any                            stand not everyone can immerse themselves to the
     questions you may have about                           same degree. My message to my busy colleagues is this:
     TMA or BCMS. He can be                                 Join the ranks of organized medicine, choose how en-
     reached at 512-809-9811 or                             gaged you want to be and how much time you can                           commit. You don’t have to be on every council and
                                                            committee, but you have to start with membership.
                                                            Join your local county medical society, specialty soci-
                                                            ety, TMA and national groups. These memberships
                                                            will allow you to connect with colleagues who are ac-
                                                            tively engaged and working on issues that matter to
                                                            you. They will get your message carried forward.

                                                              I work with MEDNAX, a provider of maternal-
                                                            fetal, newborn, pediatric subspecialty, and anesthesia
                                                            physician services. MEDNAX, and its affiliated prac-
                                                            tice, PEDIATRIX, are both TMA 100-percent mem-
                                                            bership groups, and there’s definite value in full
                                                            membership. Full group participation allows every
                                                            member to be represented. A sub-set of our physician
                                                            group participates in both BCMS and in TMA, and
                                                            this ensures we all have a voice.

                                                              Now is the time for us to focus on working together.
                                                            I encourage you to get involved today. For more in-
                                                            formation on the work TMA does on your behalf, or
                                                            to join, visit the TMA website.

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