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                                                                                Black Pepper
                                                                                   Green Tea
                                                                                   Red Wine

NATURAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES ABOUND IN                                    for chronic disease, we ask the same question: should an “anti-in-
OUR DIET                                                                 flammatory diet” be implemented between patient follow-up visits?
                                                                         Integrating the knowledge of natural anti-inflammatories into the
  Given the significant side effects associated with long-term use of    patient setting has been extraordinarily slow. Even as we seek more
pharmacologic anti-inflammatories, research has focused on poten-        precise information, it is safe to say that it is reasonable right now to
tially safer sources of anti-inflammatory agents whose continual use     consume spices, herbs, and fruits and vegetables with anti-inflam-
might offset chronic diseases. The good news is that nature abounds      matory properties, daily if possible.
with anti-inflammatory compounds; indeed, aspirin’s parental com-
pound is found in willow tree bark. For the health-conscious con-          A number of venues are considering integrating food-based anti-
sumer, sources include many common (and uncommon) herbs and              inflammatories into menus at the workplace and in the commu-
spices. Unfortunately, these helpful anti-inflammatories tend to be      nity. Registered dieticians have paved the way for introducing
absent in all-too-popular high calorie fast foods. Research has vali-    anti-inflammatory meal plans for individuals, and implementing
dated that compounds in turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper,        these concepts into discharge planning may just be around the cor-
rosemary, lemon grass, oregano, and in beverages such as green tea       ner. However, a gentle word of caution: there is always the possi-
and red wine act similarly to aspirin and ibuprofen in protecting        bility of certain foods complicating health conditions and the
against inflammation — without unwanted side effects. The question       medications that are prescribed for them. So it’s always good ad-
is how best to take advantage of this scientific smorgasbord of natural  vice to check with a doctor before making big changes to the diet;
anti-inflammatories.                                                     herbs, spices and the like should be enjoyed as foods, not drugs
                                                                         — and variety, especially including more plant-based anti-inflam-
CULINARY ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES AS A PART                                   matory foods, is key.
                                                                           Michael Wargovich, Ph.D., is a professor of molecular medicine who
  Some patients who have had their first encounter and treatment         holds the CTRC Council Distinguished Chair in Oncology at the Cancer
for chronic inflammatory disease wonder why nutritional consulta-        Therapy & Research Center at The University of Texas Health Science
tion is not part of discharge planning. In view of the extraordinary     Center at San Antonio.
scientific progress on the role of anti-inflammatories in reducing risk

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