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Come and join BCMS on social media

                                                 By Mike W. Thomas

                                        BCMS Director of Communications

  The Bexar County Medical Society has made the leap into the            viewed by as many or by as few people as you choose. You can even
cyber realm of social media. The society now has its own Facebook        post things that can only be seen by you. Or you can choose not to
page and Twitter account, so anyone who is a registered user of these    post anything at all.
sites can ‘like’ or ‘follow’ our page and check in regularly for new
posts, announcements and links to items of special interest to the         Facebook is the world’s largest social networking service with more
medical community.                                                       than 1.8 billion monthly active users as of August 2015. It was
                                                                         founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg while he was a student at Har-
  The new Facebook page can be found at                                  vard University. The company launched its initial public offering in On Twitter go to https://twit-        2012 and had a market capitalization of $250 billion by July 2015. But as mentioned earlier, you must be a registered     The company does not charge anything for its services and makes
Facebook or Twitter user to view the page and its contents.              most of its money off of advertising.

  For those who are unfamiliar with these social media tools, you          Twitter is a separate online social media tool which limits users to
can be reassured that it is a relatively painless and cost-free process  short, 140-character messages called “tweets.” It had more than 500
to set up an account. You will be asked for basic information and        million users as of May 2015.
a working email address, but you do not have to share this infor-
mation online if you do not want to. Facebook allows you to con-           So come on in if you are not there already. Come follow us on
trol the privacy settings on anything that you post so that it can be    Twitter, Like our Facebook page and be a part of the online dis-

24 San Antonio Medicine • November 2015
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