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come through the visual arts, the art of writing poetry and prose and through music. The cel-
ebration is called, “Art Heals Hearts.” It is a festival of amateur and professional artists to rec-
ognize the healing that can come through the arts.

  Upon entering the Ecumenical Center, one is instantly put at ease by the surroundings.
The view in the waiting room is through a panoramic bank of windows that allows one to
experience a serene wooded area that the neighborhood deer call home. Besides the deer,
there is something else a visitor can’t help but notice — art is everywhere! The walls of the
waiting room and all the hallways are adorned with pieces of art; drawings, sketches, paint-
ings, quilts, origami, tapestries and sculpture. Some of this art has been provided by people
between the ages of 6 and 106 who work under the supervision of a licensed art therapist
during the free “Open Studio Sessions” held monthly at The Ecumenical Center. Other pieces
of art are donated or loaned to the Center from professional artists who have shared their
life stories of pain, suffering and triumph over their problems and their difficulties through
the visual arts.

       “The excitement for the opening of the ‘Art Heals Hearts’
                      exhibit is building,” said Fisk.

  The community is invited to join the celebration of healing through the arts on Sept. 11,
2015, from 6-9 p.m. at the Ecumenical Center. That night, the center will be alive with a cel-
ebration of all of the healing arts available at the Ecumenical Center. Visitors will be able to

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