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      in the kitchen
                                                   By Michael J. Wargovich, Ph.D., F.A.C.N.

? Should an anti-inflammatory diet be
          an integral part of discharge planning?

  Here in San Antonio, researchers at the University of Texas             a global phenomenon as well: the greatest risk for cancer in the next
Health Science Center are testing the hypothesis that daily exposure      20 years will be in the developing world, where acculturation has
to combinations of culinary-based anti-inflammatories might offset        led to dietary changes consistent with a tidal-wave of chronic in-
health risks.                                                             flammatory diseases.

  Amelie Ramirez, Dr. P.H., professor and director of the Institute       CHRONIC INFLAMMATION: WHEN SOMETHING
for Health Promotion Research (IHPR) at the UT Health Science             GOOD GOES BAD
Center, and I teamed with St. Anthony Hotel Chef Iverson
Brownell to conduct a six-month intervention trial in overweight            In its acute form, inflammation is a natural healing process that
breast cancer survivors. The investigation: to see whether education      marshals the immune system and cellular and chemical mediators
and active consumption of anti-inflammatory foods affected                to repair tissue damage and repel infection. Then, when healing is
chronic inflammation. The primary goal of the clinical trial is to        achieved, the inflammatory process stops. In its chronic form the
find out if a diet enriched in anti-inflammatory herbs and spices         inflammatory process is unabated. That causes sustained cellular
reduced blood measures of C-reactive protein, a marker used to            and tissue injury. Chronic inflammation can result in a “hijacking”
measure whole body inflammation. Supported by the Komen                   of cell signaling pathways that can mute future immune responses
Foundation for the Cure, the trial is in its analytical phase and re-     and enable cancer cells, for instance, to acquire the ability to invade
sults may be known by the end of this year.                               and metastasize.

  Chronic inflammation plays a role in a spectrum of chronic dis-           Anti-inflammatory drugs control both forms of inflammation
eases, including Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease  and provide a first-line defense to combat the consequences of
and obesity. The Center for Disease Control estimates that seven          chronic inflammation. It has been known for some time that per-
out of 10 Americans die of chronic inflammatory diseases and these        sistent use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin,
account for the vast majority of doctor-visits.                           ibuprofen and the like) reduce risk for heart disease, certain cancers,
                                                                          and Alzheimer’s. However, these drugs are unsafe for widespread
  San Antonio and South Texas are no strangers to the constellation       use due to dangerous side effects like bleeding, ulceration, stroke,
of chronic inflammatory diseases, with residents experiencing some        and impaired kidney function.
of the highest diagnoses of obesity and diabetes in the nation. It’s

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