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at the

 By Edmond Ortiz

                                                   The Ecumenical Center is a renowned provider of faith-based counseling and education that
                                                helps with healing, growth and wellness. The Center offers counseling services for adults, chil-
                                                dren, teenagers and couples through psychotherapy and marriage preparation services. There
                                                are play and art therapy services for children and neurofeedback to assist with ADD/ADHD,
                                                autism, depression and anxiety in people of all ages. Recently, EMDR (Eye Movement Desen-
                                                sitization and Reprocessing) has been added to assist veterans and others with PTSD (Post Trau-
                                                matic Stress Disorder). The testing and assessment program can assist those who need testing
                                                for gifted and talented, learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, autism, depression and anxiety and
                                                many others. The Center also offers CPRT (Child Parent Relationship Training) for parents
                                                who would like to use the techniques that the play therapist uses with their children.

                                                   Besides counseling, the Center offers The Ethics in Business San Antonio program working
                                                in collaboration with local universities to promote awareness and educate university business
                                                students in ethical business practices. The center is the home to the noted bereavement program,
                                                Life After Loss, and other support and recovery groups. And it hosts the Pastoral Advisory
                                                Council which holds events on current issues facing the local clergy.

                                                   Mary Beth Fisk, CEO and executive director of the center, said they have a variety of unique
                                                technologies and experts trained in many different therapeutic modalities that can assist the
                                                San Antonio community to heal and be educated on mental health issues.

                                                   But did you know that for the past three years, healing through the expressive arts has become
                                                an important addition to the therapeutic process at the Center? Beginning on Sept. 11 and
                                                continuing through Jan. 4, the center comes alive with a celebration of the healing that can

14 San Antonio Medicine • November 2015
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