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General Membership Meeting

  The General Membership Meeting was                    (L-R) Dr. Gonzalez-Scarano, Steve Fitzer, BCMS CEO, Dr. Tom Garcia, TMA presi-
Hosted by UT Medicine — the clinical prac-              dent, Dr. Carlos Rosende and Dr. Jim Humphreys, 2016 BCMS Board president.
tice of the UTHSCSA School of Medicine

  Dr. Carlos Rosende and Dr. Francisco
Gonzalez-Scarano welcomed over 130
physicians who attended the Fall General
Membership Meeting.

  Dr. Tomas Garcia, TMA President was the
featured speaker at this event. His presenta-
tion consisted of highlighting the latest leg-
islative accomplishments that were reached
during the 2015 Legislative Session in

  During this meeting, UT Medicine also
reiterated their support for the future gen-
erations of medicine by presenting a 100%
resident membership check to the BCMS
and TMA Leaders.

                                                        Dr. Tom Garcia, TMA president

           Dr. Donald Gordon and BCMS CEO Steve Fitzer
22 San Antonio Medicine • November 2015
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