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                                                                                               SAN ANTONIO

        providers, are crucial to the solution for am-  thetic limb. Some individuals simply cannot  who lose a limb but have no financial means
        putation prevention (often viewed as a simple  use a prosthesis, regardless of access, due to  of paying for a prosthetic limb.  did you
        solution). As all of us have witnessed that this  mental or physical problems such as demen-  know that Texas is ranked #1 in uninsured
        “simple solution” is full of cracks through  tia, paralysis, stroke, contractures, and/or  residents  and  has  a  poverty  rate  of  16%,
        which many people fall.              overall debilitated state. The fact that many  which is higher than the national average?  In
          life as a new amputee presents a maze  of these unfortunate individuals actually ob-  Texas, Medicare covers prosthetic limbs for
        which would humble even daedalus and the  tain a prosthetic limb (which they will never  persons age 65 and over, and Medicaid covers
        half bull Minotaur of Crete. Most health  use) is the topic of another day. let’s focus  prosthetic limbs for children. Medicaid does
        care providers, including physicians, assume  on the people who lose their leg and could  not cover prosthetic limbs for adults. This is
        that obtaining a prosthetic limb is so fre-  walk if they had two legs, even if one or both  counterintuitive and surprising to most peo-
        quent that the system and process is simple  are prosthetic.             ple. There is no state financial help for am-
        and direct. On the contrary, despite the fact  Amputees seeking a prosthetic limb need  putees in Texas who have no insurance or
        that there is no shortage of prosthetists, no  help in choosing a prosthetist. despite hav-  who have insurance that does not cover pros-
        shortage of prosthetic compa-                                                      thetics,  or  who  have  a  de-
        nies,  no  shortage  of  physical                                                  ductible  so  large  that  they
        therapists, and no shortage of  “Amputees can resume normal lifestyle              cannot afford a prosthetic limb.
        prosthetic limb parts, some am-  with access to prosthetic limbs: without          Regardless of which group an
        putees  never  walk  again.  Al-  limbs is nearly impossible.”                     amputee is in – insured or not
        though  there  is  no  actual                                                      – it is better for everyone that
        Minotaur, a simple wrong turn                                                      he obtain and use a prosthetic
        or missed opportunity after amputation can  ing written prescriptions for prosthetic limbs  limb rather than a wheelchair. For a person
        lead to devastating consequences.    for over 30 years, it was not until the last few  to be nonambulatory due to lack of funds to
          While the patient recovers physically and  years that I actually interacted with the pros-  pay for a prosthetic limb is illogical, irrational,
        mentally from limb surgery, he/she has to  thetists  who  perform  this  singular  and  and in my opinion, an embarrassment in a
        find and adjust to a rehab facility, find some-  restorative process. There are many good  state as giving and compassionate as Texas.
        one to modify the home, including the bath-  prosthetists in our city and it is essential that  Having worked with amputees for over 30
        room, and look for a prosthetic company.  we  help  our  patients  connect  with  them.  years, and having served as president of The
        Of course, during this time the patient has  They follow Texas guidelines and best prac-  Prosthetic Foundation since 2012, I can un-
        multiple doctor visits, home health visits,  tices and are devoted to their patients. On  equivocally  declare  that  helping  a  person
        physical therapy sessions, plus they require a  the other hand, there are many patients that  walk again is the right thing to do. The im-
        driver  whose  vehicle  will  transport  them  are not so lucky; they get no guidance and  pact  of  investing  efforts  here  not  only
        along with a wheelchair. It is during this time  make  their  decision  solely  based  on  the  reaches the recipient but also their family and
        that all of the bills and insurance documents  promises of a company representative. Al-  the community at large. beyond statistics, the
        begin to arrive. Consequently, financial con-  though prohibited by Texas law, the repre-  ramifications of ambulation extends far past
        siderations are often a major factor in choos-  sentatives will often approach the patient  the obvious. As amputees regain independ-
        ing a prosthetics company instead of being  without a request from a doctor, inside the  ent mobility, their physical health vastly im-
        based upon the abilities and dedication of  hospital, the rehabilitation center, or even in  proves while their overall mental, social, and
        the prosthetic company.  The role of the  the nursing home. It is of great benefit to all  emotional wellness increases, and their qual-
        prosthetics company is crucial. A well-fitted  if the doctors personally interact with the  ity of life improves. The re-integration of
        prosthetic limb will allow the amputee to re-  prosthetics companies. How a limb is fitted,  these individuals ensures that they can return
        turn to nearly normal activities and resume  manufactured and maintained is of para-  to a level of community engagement not
        their careers, their hobbies and their respon-  mount importance to the ability of the am-  previously obtainable.
        sibilities. Conversely, an amputee with no  putee to ambulate. Acting as an advocate for
        prosthetic limb or a poorly fitted prosthesis  our patients in this arena is foreign to most  Demetrios N. Macris, MD is a vascular surgeon
        cannot walk and is confined to a wheelchair.  of us, but it should be routine.  at Peripheral Vascular Associates and is a member
          Not all amputees will benefit from a pros-  Finally, let us consider the fate of people  of  the Bexar County Medical Society.

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