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                                                                                            WHERE TO FROM HERE

        new resolutions, questions about the wisdom of those who lead the  dead and those with permanent health consequences. Many people
        health care system and government at all levels, new outlooks on their  will be our patients for years to come suffering sequelae of this
        future profession, motivation, and new faith and gratitude for a better  plague. We have relearned lessons from the Bible which tells of how
        world and its inhabitants. As they witness the might of a natural force  to avoid transmission of leprosy, the Spanish flu pandemic men-
        much greater than man, they develop resolve to gain new knowledge  tioned by other writers in this journal, and many other previous
        and help in any way they are able as they soon become front line care  scourges to wear face coverings, wash hands, not touch our faces,
        providers. Many will carefully study the distribution of health services,  trace contacts, and distance ourselves from others to best avoid con-
        the multileveled governmental response to the crisis, the economic  tagion. We will be tempted to resist our calling and view these events
        consequences of the pandemic, whether a nation’s wealth can be pro-  with cynicism, dark humor, and partisan squabbles searching for
        tected from the ravages of the virus infection, and the effect on dif-  those to blame. When faced with such an event, many will find hope,
        ferent geographic areas in their locale along with a myriad of other  faith, gratitude, grace, positive thinking, mission, and hard work as
        topics related to them personally or distantly.        the answers to aid us in the tasks ahead.  To care for those in need,
          At the forefront of these young learners’ minds was the impact  let us each day join hands and voices (if only virtually today) to con-
        this pandemic would have on themselves and their future patients.  tinue to do what we are able.
        They reflected on their personal hardships as mere inconveniences  Thank you for your time and attention.
        compared to the rest of the population who will continue to suffer
        from the ramifications of COVID-19 economically, mentally, and  Samantha Bailey is an OMS1 at  Midwestern University, Chicago College
        medically. Although learning shifted from the classroom, these future  of  Osteopathic Medicine; John J. Seidenfeld, MD is a board-certified specialist
        physicians learned lessons they will carry in hopes that history will  in pulmonary diseases and internal medicine, is an Associate Professor of  Clinical
        not repeat itself. The need for human interaction, unity, and collab-  and Basic Sciences Education at UIW School of  Osteopathic Medicine, is cur-
        oration has become evident as a necessity to overcoming this time  rently the Vice Chair of  the BCMS Publications Committee, and is a long-
        in history and resuming daily life.                    standing member of  the Bexar County Medical Society and the Texas Medical
          In the face of this tragedy of epic proportions, we mourn for the  Association.

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