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              Bexar County Medical Society

                                      & COVID-19

                                                     By Melody Newsom

          As the reality of  the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)  need, BCMS had a one-stop-shop webpage that included links to
        began to unfold around the world, and a flood of information  COVID-19 resources from San Antonio Metropolitan Health
        began to inundate the inboxes and airwaves, it became obvious to  (Metro  Health),  Southwest  Texas  Regional  Advisory  Council
        the Bexar County Medical Society (BCMS) management team that  (STRAC), Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS),
        we needed to create an online, all-inclusive resource page for our  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World
        members to enable them to find credible information about the  Health Organization (WHO) and the Texas Medical Association
        pandemic. By the end of the first day following this realization of  (TMA), as well as informative articles from other credible sources.

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