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                                  By Sheldon Gross, MD

          Physicians in private practice faced a major earthquake in 2020.  leave. I am now able to schedule patients within a very short period
        The COVID-19 virus has affected the private practice of medicine  of time. This results in people being grateful and appreciative as
        in ways that I have never seen before. Most are very negative. These  soon as they walk in the door. This automatically sets the stage for
        have been discussed numerous times. However, as with most things,  a much more positive physician/patient relationship.
        there is also some positive aspect to it. As I reflect on the last two  This whole environment is reminiscent of my first one or two
        months, I cannot help but realize differences that I would consider  years in private practice. At that time, I was excited about seeing
        in most ways positive.                                 every patient. I was in a building phase without wait times of three,
          Telemedicine has been available to practitioners for many years.  four, or six weeks. The enthusiasm that I felt as a physician in this
        Most physicians practicing in an outpatient setting are now using  first or second year of practice appears to have returned. It could
        telemedicine to a much greater degree than ever before. In my ex-  in some ways be considered a rejuvenating experience. With extra
        perience, I had not used telemedicine at all. I now find it indispen-  time, I find myself spending more minutes on the phone discussing
        sable. It is helpful to both me and my patients. This is something  cases with referring doctors. They are grateful for this type of feed-
        that without question will continue into the future.   back. I regret that at some point in my busy practice over the past
          Most of my colleagues have described a fairly dramatic decrease  30 years I lost sight of how important that is. It is not only about
        in patient flow. People have been told by government officials and  cementing a doctor/patient relationship, it’s also about strengthen-
        public announcements to stay at home and not go out. That is ex-  ing a specialist-referring-doctor relationship. I call patients back
        actly what has happened. I think this has decreased the number of  sooner. I listen more carefully and respond to their questions and
        patients who have contracted COVID-19, but has also resulted in  concerns more completely.
        businesses across the board being hurt, including the private practice  I am hopeful that the present COVID-19 virus pandemic will be
        of medicine.                                           over quickly. I am hopeful there will never be another one like this.
          I find myself valuing each individual patient to a much greater  I am also hopeful that I will continue to enjoy relationships with
        degree. I always valued my patients. However, the difference is I  patients and physicians more and not forget or lose sight of the
        now have a chance to put that into action. A lower patient volume  more positive aspects of my practice as a result.
        means more available time to delve into various aspects of health-
        care or even just talk about people as individuals. I find my patients  Sheldon Gross, MD is a board-certified specialist in Pediatric Neurology
        much happier and appear more satisfied with their visit after they  and is past President of the Bexar County Medical Society.

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