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Have You Ever Been Asked to
Pray for Patients?
By George S. Best, MD
My colleagues in the practice of medi-
cine: Have any of you ever been asked by a
patient to pray for them? Have you ever
seen or heard one of your doctor friends
praying with a patient pre-op or after news
of the last CT scan or other diagnosis show-
ing a severe malignancy?
In 1977, I finished medical school here in
San Antonio at the U.T. Health Science
Center and thereafter completed my resi-
dency in urology here at Wilford Hall.
Throughout my training, I do not recall ever
seeing or hearing of another doctor praying
with their patient. No doubt the patients
often prayed but they did so in private and
not in front of their doctor.
After losing a son in 2006, a year before
he was to start medical school, my faith was
tried. In time, and after starting a bible study
with some friends, gradually my faith and
knowledge of the love of Christ and of my
salvation through his death and resurrection is secure in my heart. he has been praying with all of his patients and that they were all
Over time, I have concluded that if you are a doctor and a be- very grateful when he did so. He said that on only one occasion had
liever, you are in a position to show your faith by offering to pray he been asked not to do so. On that occasion, to his surprise and
with your patients and their family and friends in your office and at wonder, he was asked to listen while the patient and his family
the hospital in the pre-op or waiting area before surgery. This came prayed for him.
to me after I had observed one of my Baptist System surgeon Prayer to God is a source of peace and comfort to many religious
friends praying with a humble family before an operation. peoples, whether they are Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Bud-
Several hours later, when I saw my friend's reflection in the mirror dhist or other faith. I am Christian. We physicians who, like the
in the hold-room, I jokingly asked him if he was having a séance Apostle Luke, are followers of Christ, have the opportunity to in-
since everyone was holding hands. He looked at me a little red in clude in our healing work the love and healing powers of Christ in
the face, then said that they were praying. In response I admitted, prayer with our patients in addition to using our God given talents
somewhat sheepishly, that I knew that to be the case. as physicians. To do so has been a blessing to me with my patients
Then I asked him how he knew what to say in his prayers with over the last few years of my practice, until my recent retirement.
his patients. He responded that he had asked some of the hospital Now, prayer with my own physicians is a comfort to me as I have
pastors and priests for help. He said that this had come about after been diagnosed with dementia/Alzheimer's. I write this with love for
his late wife had made him promise before she passed away to pray all of my colleagues, and request for your prayers. Yours in Christ.
with all of his patients for the rest of his life.
My friend remarked that since then, over fifteen (15) years ago, George S. Best, MD.
26 San Antonio Medicine • July 2020