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                                                                                   Do We




                                                                                   By Wendy B. Kang, MD, JD

          Is it just my imagination or are the bugs becoming deadlier? We  as many family members have discovered.   From whence cometh
        could all recite the recent litany of infectious, contagious diseases:  our hope?  Is a magical vaccine coming soon?
        H1N1, swine flu, Ebola, SARS.  The influenza virus hits us every  In the meantime, healthcare personnel are under attack in the
        year. Older people and those with medical co-morbidities die despite  front-line trenches fighting an invisible enemy.  Physicians, nurses,
        receiving annual flu shots.  Yet, I cannot recall the level of fear, es-  medical assistants, even members of the housekeeping staff brave
        pecially the fear of dying, inspired by these diseases as much as has  the microscopic deadly bullets daily.  What thoughts lie in the minds
        been expressed about COVID-19.                         of ER and Anesthesiology physicians as they literally stare down at
          The nightly news, blood red coloring of nations smearing our  vocal cords, gateway to their own potential death, to aim endotra-
        globe appears as Death stalking our tiny Earth. Would the Black  cheal tubes to provide a lifeline to patients gasping for clean air?
        Death or the bubonic plaque have looked like this had newsmen  The reflexive need to help patients, the need to be compassionate,
        covered it back in the Middle Ages? At least the rats carrying the  the need to do some good, steps forward.  Whatever fears of harm
        Yersinia pestis infected fleas can be seen, trapped and neutralized.  to one’s own self are pushed into unexpressed caverns of the mind.
        Modern day patients can be treated with antibiotics.    Selfless love characterizes a professional.  We may term it a fiduciary
          How  do  we  see  the  deadly  spiculated  crown  coating  of  the  responsibility, a duty to our patients.  But it is really about love for
        COVID-19 virus as it throngs in deadly hordes within the respira-  our fellow human beings! Akin to veterans who paid the ultimate
        tory droplets of a cough, a sneeze, a song leaping to an innocent  sacrifice for the sake of freedom, too many within the healthcare
        victim?  A contaminated touch, an embrace, a kiss becomes deadly  profession have given dearly and left us too soon.

         18  San Antonio Medicine   •  July 2020
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