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At left, Dr. Quiñones
receives the BCMS
Golden Aesculapius
Award from Dr. Leah
Below, supporters of
"Dr. Q" wear fake
mustaches to
celebrate his award.
Antonio, New Braunfels and Boerne. tions a year to see the world. Last year found them in South America
“One of the biggest challenges in medicine is transitioning with cruising the Amazon River and climbing Machu Pichu and this year
all the changes,” Quiñones says. “The only ones who do well with they were in Iceland and had a chance to see the Northern Lights.
constant change are business consultants and wet babies. But by It also gives him time for other activities such as serving on the
working together in groups we can keep one another from being Texas Medical Board to which he was appointed by the governor
overwhelmed as we adapt to new situations.” for a six-year term that will be up in 2024.
Quiñones said there is a lot to keep up with, especially for general “My fellow doctors have been very patient with me allowing me
practitioners, so it is challenging from year to year with the wide va- the time to travel to Austin for frequent meetings,” he said.
riety of problems you must face. When you add in additional work Dr. Quiñones served as President of the Bexar County Medical So-
brought on by regulatory requirements and the advent of electronic ciety in 2008 and this year was awarded its highest honor, the Golden
medical record keeping it is easy for physicians to become con- Aesculapius Lifetime Service Award. He has also been named one of
sumed with their work and lose the balance they need to maintain the Best Doctors in San Antonio among many other honors.
between their personal and professional life. Now 63, Quiñones says he is having way too much fun to con-
Working in a group environment with other doctors gives the sider retirement any time soon. He said he has at least another 10
physician the flexibility they need to maintain their sanity. Quiñones years of medical practice in him before he will consider retiring.
says it is important for him to be able to spend time with his family “I love taking care of my patients,” he said. Quiñones, who cur-
and be able to play as hard as he works. He enjoys spending time at rently works out of the group’s Leon Valley Clinic, said he is plan-
their Flying Pig Ranch in Medina County near D’Hanis with his wife ning to move his practice to open a new location for HealthTexas
and their two Jack Russell Terriers. He also takes one or two vaca- in Helotes later this year – a challenge he embraces.
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