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        Jose M. Benavides, MD, F.A.C.P.

          Past-Presidents of our beloved County Medical Society have been
        asked to reminisce a bit to the times when they were at the helm
        and try to write something that might have impacted their lives dur-
        ing the time they were in office.
          I am absolutely sure that everyone that occupied the top position
        has a lot to remember from the hundreds of hours we were in-
        volved in medical, local state or national activities related to our
          The archives of our organization have plenty of information as
        to what went on during our years as president. My case is not dif-
        ferent, however, what impacted me the most was our society’s in-
        volvement with the tragic events that occurred in Mexico City as a
        direct consequence of the earthquake in September 1985. In addi-
        tion to the thousands of lives lost and the horrendous physical de-
        struction, the earthquake affected two of the largest hospitals there
        at one of the worst times possible. It hit at 7:20 a.m. on Sept. 20,
        1985, just at the time when many physicians were making their
        rounds or in the surgical or OB suites and the tragedy killed hun-
        dreds of people including healthcare personnel, patients and 114
        physicians as well as injuring dozens of young doctors.
          Many Mexican, American and world-wide organizations imme-  some of the injured young physicians and all the local hospitals of-
        diately got involved to help, to rescue the injured and to recover the  fered free care for the six of them that we brought.
        victims. That event touched many of us here in San Antonio. I got  B:  I started to gather donations/funds with the purpose to de-
        several calls from concerned colleagues who were trying to find a  liver personally to the young widows, parents or other immediate
        way to get involved in helping. I particularly remember calls from  relatives of the 114 physicians killed. Lots of work and time was
        Doctors Jake Meadows, Al Thaddeus and J. B. Gonzalez and we all  involved and I am proud to say that I delivered into the hands of
        tried to devise means to organize a plan to help our brothers and  those relatives 110 checks in a very emotional event in Mexico City
        sisters in Mexico City, those who were injured and to find a way to  and with so many people helping us here and in Mexico City. The
        get in touch with relatives of those who perished and manifest  coordination worked very well.
        somehow our deep condolences. Needless to say, that with each  I’m proud to say that our medical society and the presidents in
        phone call we all cried and perhaps my colleagues might have  turn for 1985 and 1986 assisted me and Ms. Carole Ancelin from
        thought that I was a graduate from Mexico City Medical School.  our society and it was a great help. Anyone who wishes additional
                          My good fortune was to receive another  information in regards to the above, I suggest to check the annals
                        call, this one from my beloved friend and col-  of our society or to give me a call. I am very happy that our society
                        league Dr. Albert Sanders (left). He helped by  got involved and that we were able to provide a little help to our
                        making the connections with an orthopedic  brothers and sisters to the south.
                        specialist as himself who was very familiar  Thank you, Al Sanders.
                        with the organizations of the hospitals in-
                        volved and we developed a two-prong plan:  Dr. Jose M. Benavides was president of  the Bexar County Medical Society
                          A:  We were able to bring to San Antonio  in 1984.

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