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Committee (CEC), and in terms of monetary contribution, without exacerbate. We responded with a letter to the representative ex-
which, we cannot effect change or impact. There is change, yet the pressing our concerns with this legislation, signed by many physi-
same physicians who criticize TEXPAC still do not participate. It cian members. We, as a physician advocacy organization cannot
becomes a self-defeating cycle. More will be done by TEXPAC for be successful without your leadership being inclusive and without
outreach in the next two years, but I ask each of you reading this to the physician rank and file stepping up to participate. It will follow
fulfill your role to participate if you wish to be included. Please that many of you who participate to be included will quickly be-
come to our meetings, even if you are not a board member or a come leaders as well. The path is a fluid dynamic.
CEC chair, and watch the process and suggest ways to make it bet- I was thinking of all these issues when I answered my interviewer
ter. You should help to make our organization stronger because on his question. I informed him I have seen great organizations suc-
without that strength, policies the TMA makes will be spits in the ceed when the culture of inclusiveness is met with a culture of en-
wind. TEXPAC brings your TMA lobby team access to the legisla- gagement. I have seen large organizations fail when either
tors who make the bills. I commit to you that we will include you if component is missing. Indeed, in today’s complex world, physician
you stand up to be included. organizations must structure themselves to be transparent and in-
Another recent example is the recent actions surrounding clusive of others in the decisions made, but this culture is only ef-
House Bill 29, filed by our own Bexar County Representative Ina fective if physicians are engaged to participate at every level of the
Minjarez. This bill gives a patient access to physical therapy with- organization. Otherwise, failure looms.
out any physician evaluation and referral. This can become a safety
issue for our patients. Imagine patients with undiagnosed frac- Dr. Alex Kenton is the chairman of BCMS Legislative and
tures, sprains, or tumors going straight to a physical therapist for Socioeconomic Committee.
therapy and potentially worsening the condition or allowing it to
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