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          The effectiveness of opioid use in chronic pain is under scrutiny  Significant reduction in pain and depression was evident even at the
        because of the current opioid epidemic. Comorbid depression has  end of 1 year. MBSR was as effective as CBT in reducing pain but
        a higher incidence of abuse. Concomitant use of benzodiazepines  CBT was more effective in reducing comorbid depression.
        significantly increases deaths from opioid overdose during the first  Brain stimulation with implanted electrodes has effectively re-
        90 days.                                               duced pain and depression. Noninvasive transcranial magnetic stim-
          Inflammation: Cytokines released secondary to peripheral or  ulation reduces depressive symptoms and has the potential to reduce
        CNS inflammation are known to produce pain and depression. De-  comorbid pain.
        pression and pain secondary to the cytokines in patients receiving
        interferon for the treatment of Hepatitis C and multiple myeloma  Recommended reading:
        could be reduced by treatment or pretreatment with anti-depres-  1. Pain and Depression: A Systematic Review: W.W.IsHak et al
        sants especially duloxetine.                  Volume 26 • Number 6 • No-
          Ketamine a potent NMDA (glutamate) antagonist is also likely to  vember/December 2018
        reduce glutamate related inflammation in the central nervous system  2. Chronic pain and mental disorders: Shared neural mechanisms,
        of patients with pain and depression. Ketamine, an old anesthetic  epidemiology  and  treatment.  W.M.Hooten,  2003Mayo  clin
        is shown to be effective in reducing post-operative and chronic pain.  proc.2016;91(7):955-970
        It also regulates the connectivity between brain centers involved in  3. Depression and Pain Comorbidity. Matthew J. Bair et al ARCH
        both depression and pain. There is increasing evidence that keta-  INTERN MED/VOL 163, NOV 10, 3. 3.
        mine is effective in rapidly reducing both pain and depression. Oral  4. Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction vs Cognitive
        nasal and intravenous ketamine preparations are used.  Behavioral Therapy for Usual Care on Back Pain and Functional
          Dysregulation of the endocannabinoid system is present in pa-  Limitations in Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain A Randomized
        tients with pain and depression. The cannabinoids were effective in  Clinical Trial
        reducing depression and especially comorbid pain.        Cherkin et al  JAMA; 2016 315(12) 1240—1249
          Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is an eight-week ev-
        idence-based program that offers secular, intensive mindfulness  Somayaji Ramamurthy, MD, is a retired professor of  anesthesiology and former
        training to assist people with stress, anxiety, depression and pain.  director of the Pain Medicine Fellowship program at UT Health San Antonio.

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