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                                                             Creating a Pipeline

                                                             of Doctors and

                                                             Researchers in

                                                             San Antonio

                                                             By: Eddie Muzquiz Rodriguez, PhD

                                                               In August 2019, CAST Med will open its doors at Brooks, inspiring
                                                             the next generation of medical professionals and adding to the much-
                                                             needed pipeline of doctors and researchers in San Antonio. The
                                                             school will be a place where the classroom meets the real world
                                                             through experiential learning and where educators work with students
                                                             to address their needs and ignite their passion, creating opportunity
                                                             for all students in San Antonio.
                                                               With 1 in 6 employed individuals in San Antonio working in health
                                                             care or biomedical sciences, it is one of the largest and fastest-grow-
                                                             ing sectors in the local economy. CAST Med will focus on connecting
                                                             students to three career pathways: medical, biomedical research, and
                                                             public health. Its first class of 150 9th graders will begin in August
                                                               Open to all Bexar County students, the school will be tuition-free
                                                             and, unlike magnet schools, does not have any entrance requirements.
                                                             CAST Med is open to all students who are eager to dive into medical
                                                             careers and or research and hungry for a flexible and dynamic learning
                                                             experience, one that accounts for their voices in helping shape the
                                                               Providing a strong foundation in math and science with small class
                                                             sizes, CAST Med will also embed college coursework so all students
                                                             have the chance to graduate with 30 hours of college credit from the
                                                             partnering community college.  School partners include UT Health,
                                                             the University of Texas at San Antonio and San Antonio College.
                                                               Some initial partners include the Bexar County Medical Society, the
                                                             Children’s Hospital of San Antonio and Mission Trail Baptist Hospital.
                                                             Hospital partners are working now with school leaders to design path-
                                                             ways and curriculums, ensuring that students are receiving instruction
                                                             that mirrors the real world and fills gaps in workforce needs.

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