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        WHY DID I

        DECIDE TO

        BECOME A


        A lifelong passion for

        healing is fulfilled

        By Dr. Ana I. Rodriguez, from MacGregor Medical Center

           I     was  exposed  to  the  medical  field  early  in  life.  My  to care for my sisters and me. She was the driving force to move

                 mother was a high school science teacher and my fa-
                                                               to the states and finish my college years and then continue my
                 ther was a general and pediatric surgeon. While shad-
        owing  my  father  during  summers  I  loved  the  interaction  I  medical education here. As an immigrant from Puerto Rico it was
                                                               very difficult to adjust and find my niche. Opposite from Dr. Rosa
        observed with the patients and realized I wanted to do more than  Vizcarra’s experience, I remember to this day when I met with the
        just surgery. I wanted to follow up and assist with their healthcare  pre-med advisor who told me that it would be very difficult to be
        over time. My passion was later reinforced when my mother de-  accepted into medical school in this country and to seek an alter-
        cided to go to medical school and she would take me to the  nate career. I went home and I cried out of anger and told myself:
        anatomy labs. I found it fascinating how the human body worked  “I am going to prove him wrong.” In the process, I met my future
        and how a doctor could help heal it.                   husband and we both applied to college and moved away from El
          Being a single parent, my mother had to quit her medical career  Paso, him to pursue his business degree and me to go to medical

         24  San Antonio Medicine   •  March  2019
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