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        Your Practice to Grow and Thrive

        By Michal Waechter

        “What do you do?”
        someone will ask.
        “Business development               There  is  no  doubt  ments and increasing costs. But what most physicians have trouble
                                          that  marketing  is  an  understanding (no offense) is that it is possible to attract a higher
        for physician practices
                                          essential  piece  of  QUALITY of volume and decrease inefficiency and WASTE by
        and healthcare                    growing  patient  vol-  putting more focus on the most effective integrated strategies that
        companies” is my typical          ume in a new or estab-  fit the context of your practice.  If you feel like you’re spinning your
        answer. Inevitably, the           lished  practice  and  wheels… you probably are.
                                          ensuring   organiza-   You likely have a small office team and you likely have a fair bit
        next question is
                                          tional stability for the  of turnover.  You may even have someone related to you working
        “So…is that like                  future.              for you. Hiring someone to focus on business development full-
        marketing?”                         Brand  awareness,  time is not feasible, nor is it necessary. You simply need someone
                                          market visibility, audi-  who can get to know your practice inside and out and and helps ex-
        Well, yes.  And, no.              ence  reach,  targeted  ecute a strategy of advocacy for you. A fresh, objective, and critical
                                          messaging, reach, fre-  set of eyes is hugely beneficial in identifying opportunities and
                                          quency  and  online  shortfalls.
        presence are all truly valuable tactics. But business development is  As  with  anything  where  you’re  looking  to  create  long-term
        about so much more.                                    change, you have to commit. There is no crash development plan
          Development includes traditional marketing strategies but digs  or volume-building pill that can help you. Development is not some-
        deeper to assess the true maturation of a business and create or-  thing that comes in waves or that you can invest in short-term and
        ganic strategies to advance in the market. We ask relevant questions  expect to continue generating a return. Investment in integrated
        tailored to the current position and desired position of the practice.  strategy must be consistent and ongoing. Lack of presence in the
        Are there specific types of patients you are looking to attract? Do  market is the quickest way to lose relevance and to be forgotten.
        you want to subspecialize within your area of clinical specialty?  You don’t have to aspire to be a multi-million dollar practice and
        What types of talent are you hoping to add to your team?  Where  you don’t have to be a solo practitioner to need help. There are al-
        do you want your practice to be in one year, three years, or five  ways tactics that you could be leveraging that you may have over-
        years? What does your ideal clinic space look like? How will the  looked. You chose medicine for noble reasons that begin with
        growth of your practice affect your family and friends? The depth  helping patients. For development, seek out someone who has the
        of development strategy comes in the form of rounding out each  expertise and experience to guide you and your business. You didn’t
        of these aspects to achieve a higher level of practice evolution than  go to school to be a “marketer.” And, guess what, neither did I.
        simply growing patient volume.
          Most often, patient volume is the name of the game in the im-  Michal Waechter, MHA, FACHE, is a principal with Waechter Consult-
        mediate moment. I get it. We live in an era of decreasing reimburse-  ing Group.

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